Rogue Daggers.


So i have this Rogue that i lvled up to 19 from lvl 10 and i just have a question. what Daggers should i use?
i hope some1 can help me :D

and im ally btw
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You shouldn't really use double daggers. Use double maces and just throw on a dagger to apply waylay
It astounds me how many people diss using a dagger main hand in this bracket. I have been using nothing but my dagger for over a month now and find it fairs just as well as the dual fangs... I find using a dagger better when against cloth / leather. When against plate it isn't as effective until higher rank debuff.

Get a Sentinel's Blade and try it out :D
It astounds me how many people diss using a dagger main hand in this bracket. I have been using nothing but my dagger for over a month now and find it fairs just as well as the dual fangs... I find using a dagger better when against cloth / leather. When against plate it isn't as effective until higher rank debuff.

Get a Sentinel's Blade and try it out :D

I assume it has something to do with peoples' willingness to pay 100k gold plus $50 for a Shadowfang - how can they justify using daggers to themselves after that?
omg the talk of "energy conservation" at 19 is absurd, u only need 15 energy to kick, te only time you should be conserving harder is when your kick is on cooldown since gouge reqs 45 energy.
I assume it has something to do with peoples' willingness to pay 100k gold plus $50 for a Shadowfang - how can they justify using daggers to themselves after that?


beastly doesn't have to justify anything, that rogue was punking players years ago, i saw warnings about him back in 2007 and had 100K+ kills on that rogue already. he/she is far from being a johnnycomelatley when it comes to owning SF's

i see rogues with SF's getting derped by rogues with 2 BOA maces also.

19's is sorta like 70 bracket, for some reason players beleive 2 SF's is a auto win as in 70 with the warglaives
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