First of all, how viable are these specs:
1. ret pally
2. enhance shaman
3. shadow priest
Second, how are games now?
1. ret pally
2. enhance shaman
3. shadow priest
Second, how are games now?
So the first reply is completely wrong.
1) Ret is a lot better than Prot in things that matter (arena
Ret is a lot better than Prot
so are we still doing the ongoing troll where we're all pretending like prot is better than the other pally specs? i haven't been on the forums much recently, so i'm not up to date
So the first reply is completely wrong.
2) Enhancement is pretty spot on, purge is nice (and makes you the only counter to disc priests).
Where did anyone do that? All I see is people stating and defending their opinions on whether ret or prot is better in arenas.Why do People keep calling BG's Arena? This isn't an ARENA.... It's a Battle Ground and No it's not the same.
Where did anyone do that? All I see is people stating and defending their opinions on whether ret or prot is better in arenas.
Basically this, except I'd like to throw in you're going to get skullfucked by hunters until (hopefully) Mists of Pandaria where they are apparently getting leveled out.So the first reply is completely wrong.
1) Ret is a lot better than Prot in things that matter (arena/WSG). Prot is better at 1v1 since you can't really die. That being said this bracket is ruled entirely by burst making Ret a far better spec than Prot. Moreover, Ret talents allow you to heal without having to put on healing based gear (as most Prots do). Prot is a great spec to crutch on if you are not good at this game or the class. If you are, stay Ret (Simply, put, Prot lets you forgo positioning, HoJ timing, offhealing etc by letting you get AS).
2) Enhancement is pretty spot on, actually. It's great damage, purge is nice (and makes you the only counter to disc priests), and you get good utility. That being said, you can get kited.
3) Shadow is pretty good except for how quickly you run out of mana. There are plenty of shadow priests that do a lot of damage (however, like most casters you need the BoA staff (or in some cases BiS) to really see the class come through. You can hit some really high mind blasts, having mind flay as a slow is pretty good and you can off heal/shield as needed.
As always, anything in the hands of a good player can be spectacular. Anything that isn't, is going to be bad (hence why some hunters and paladins think their respective classes need buffs).
Why do People keep calling BG's Arena? This isn't an ARENA.... It's a Battle Ground and No it's not the same.
Ten man arenas!To be fair, if you are playing BGs correctly they are more like arena than you think.
Control target(s) while bursting down other target. It doesn't have to be an everyone on Vent thing. Just take a quick look at a situation and follow suit. Healer is sapped? Be prepared to re-CC healer while Bursting on target that healer would have been healing. Another healer shows up? CC or apply pressure to make the new healer focus on self heals instead of your group's burst target.
So if you are doing it right then ya it's similar.