I dont think PvP trinkets break "Slow effects"
Umm yes. Obviously does.
Will remove anything that slow or stop you from moving normally. (Appart from the MOB daze)
Btw, with the resilience on it, I personally think anyone not using this, is quite missing it. Obviously, in duels, depending on the class and level, we could argue on the usefulness, yet the resil itself pretty much cover it up.
But in a WSG, too many time I see people getting CC'd randomly in middle for a good 10 seconds, which is obviously game-breaking.
Being able to Insignia a sap and break Stealth is crazily important. Not getting LoS'd by your FC is more then important. Being able to keep attacking EFC is also massive.
12 Stam or 4 Resil, just this can be arguable. With the bursting class, such as Hunters, Mage, Lock, Ret Pally, any damage reduction will be massively important. 4 Resil, being 12,30% damage reduction, a 1k Burst (Which can be achieved by a Ret pally 3 Stacked, in 2 Global CD) Would result in 123 Damage reducted, which is already more valuable then AGM.