Thinking of making a f2p account and had some questions

So if you are doing it right then ya it's similar.


Sure it is, but the objective is different and does and should affect playstyle. Even though WoW has the worst thought out CTF model ever.
Sure it is, but the objective is different and does and should affect playstyle. Even though WoW has the worst thought out CTF model ever.

True, but I would argue that if you boil down every PVP situation it ends up either a Burst down a target or Control a target deal.

There are obviously exceptions, but by definition an exception is not a common occurrence and shouldn't be given too much weight for a decision. That is why I discounted Prot's AS, because it really isn't as universally useful as a CC or Burst. If we want to look at exceptions then we need to take into account all of them. So for Prot, you have vengance if a fight's duration is long enough, for Ret you have PoJ and extended judgement range if there are range issues. Then this turns even more complex.

Anyway. I don't mean this to come across like a jerk, just supporting my argument :)
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So paladin

I'm guessing for BiS stuff there is a bit of overlap between ret and prot gear from quest rewards? Thinking about picking something like Paladin or Shaman since they can heal or DPS and do other things. I've researched and done quite a bit for a 19 twink since that is the bracket my p2p account had twinks in. Just don't want to pick a cl***, go through the entire debacle of getting to 20 and getting geared, only to realize that key pieces of gear for a prot or holy set also share a quest with ret gear or something similar.

I have not really put much thought into playing again since I made this thread. The idea of having to do everything myself seems pretty fun though. I just want to make sure I pick a faction/cl*** that I'll enjoy. Thanks for the input but I'll mostly be BGing and doing whatever exploration/achievement stuff I can.
Also have a few other questions that I've searched for but haven't been able to get a concrete answer for

1. how is the bag situation for f2p? when i first started playing i hated not having bags. i know quests reward bags in a few places now and i know you can get the faction bags later on. is this sufficient?

2. how about cloth? i know at 20 i can farm plenty of linen and plenty of wool, but getting silk for those higher bandages seems to be tough. is there an easy place to farm silk? or even a place that it's doable to get silk? is it even possible to get to 225 first aid on a f2p?
Farm a few rare mobs for the 6 slots to get started up (you can do some skinning/mining while you do them. Practically every rare within a certain level range drops 6 slot bags, you just need to do a bit of wowhead-fu to filter them out and get their locations. Durotar has loads of them). Otherwise once you have some levels, buy the 12 slots as you get full gold, and the 16s when you have rep for them. I always drop mining when my bags are full, because by then I'll probably have enough ore to level it back up again from smelting. That lets me switch to enchanting so I can DE all the greens and make some bag space.

Gnomer is pretty good for silk. Group with F2P hunters, they need to run the place for scopes (I boosted my hunter, but got enough silk to push me onto mageweave).
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Another thing to do is to buy the profession bags if you plan on hording, say, mats for JC or BS.
If blood elf - Mining/BS -> Make the highest rod you can for enchanting (need it for 110 enchanting) and then level JC for the 2 necks/ring. Then Skinning/Leatherworking -> Enchanting (keep your greens from LW to DE and you'll have enchanting done by the time you start it). Finally finish with Herb/Alchemy. Inscription can be placed before Alchemy if you want to stock up on scrolls. Otherwise, I think that covers it?

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