Just post it here?I'm trying to get a database of quests that were removed so I could check in game if I have completed them. If I completed for e.g. Bloodfury Bloodline but deleted or sold Screecher Belt I could put a ticket into Blizz and they can restore it for me.
I've completed a full horde list including macros to use in wow. If you'd like a copy please PM me.
Even if you deleted items like screechers, its to long ago for them to restore and as far as I know they wont even help you with restoring items cause of the restore item tool.I'm trying to get a database of quests that were removed so I could check in game if I have completed them. If I completed for e.g. Bloodfury Bloodline but deleted or sold Screecher Belt I could put a ticket into Blizz and they can restore it for me.
I've completed a full horde list including macros to use in wow. If you'd like a copy please PM me.
Even if you deleted items like screechers, its to long ago for them to restore and as far as I know they wont even help you with restoring items cause of the restore item tool.
Thats nice and all but why would blizzard want to give people duplicate items theyve already earned? It just feels unlogical to me.Items that has been looted can't be restored after a long period of them, but quest rewards can because of how quest completion is saved to each individual character.
One method to check if you've completed a quest is with this script
/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(#####))
It will say 1 in the chat if you've completed it and 0 if you haven't completed the quest.
So if I wanted to check if I've completed the quest Drakefire Amulet (pre-wotlk onyxia attunement) I'd write this script
/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(6502)) - 6502 being the quest ID (as seen in the wowhead link)
If you scroll down in this feed you can see this character recieving Drakefire Amulet 8+ years after quest completion.
It's for people who don't have the said items anymore. So if you deleted a quest reward many years ago you can get it backThats nice and all but why would blizzard want to give people duplicate items theyve already earned?
It's for people who don't have the said items anymore. So if you deleted a quest reward many years ago you can get it backIt's not duplication, but getting back what you once had
Thats not entirely correct. You deleted or sold an item that is not restorable anymore due to time past so they have to make/generate a new one, a duplicate.It's for people who don't have the said items anymore. So if you deleted a quest reward many years ago you can get it backIt's not duplication, but getting back what you once had
Ah yes, that is correctThats not entirely correct. You deleted or sold an item that is not restorable anymore due to time past so they have to make/generate a new one, a duplicate.