F2P Traveler's Log Guide

lol why tho?
nightborne start with 6/11 chapters completed of the suramar storyline, fully unlocking the shal aran town and its cosmetic upgrades. you also get exalted rep. you can even pick up the mana divining stone item from thalyssra (a spammable animation that doesnt share CD with anything at all)
nightborne start with 6/11 chapters completed of the suramar storyline, fully unlocking the shal aran town and its cosmetic upgrades. you also get exalted rep. you can even pick up the mana tracking gem item from thalyssra (a spammable animation that doesnt share CD with anything at all)
Ah damn, didnt know that
I wonder if any of the legion profession quests happen in Suramar, or if any legion quest has a summonable questgiver you can turn in quests to in Suramar

i have no idea if you can do these. maybe party syncing one could work too

felsmiths mining questline seems promising
there are two different vet20 categories... DFvet20 and SLvet20. the later cannot access the vet only items on the list
Main post has been updated, let me know if I missed something

I'm waiting to confirm the Suramar quest activity until profession quests have been tested
If they don't work I will move it to the vet confirmed list

Who is up for testing the Epic BG one?
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Tested Mining quest in Suramar with no success.
Moving it to confirmed for vets
Using S.E.L.F.I.E. camera "toy" with Deadeye Monocle (via Legion skinning Highmountain quest) worked

I have a few pieces of the nobleman but not the top hat yet, but with starter Worgen got the top hat to try at Faire
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I'm a bit confused with current tenders amount, the full bar gonna be (or not, we'll see soon) 500 tenders and another 500 supposed to be granted with 1st chest opening - but they weren't.
Where are they lost?

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