F2P Collection Website


F2P Legend
I made a website that makes it easy to keep track on you F2P collection.
For now it only has mounts and pets

Here is the website
-----> https://conzil.github.io/f2p/ <-----

Mark which mounts you have obtained so it's easier to see what you are missing.​
Filter the mounts based on various criteria such as:​
How the mount is obtained, faction, or whether you have marked the mount as obtained or not.​
Is the list too long when looking for a specific mount? Then you can use the built in search function.​
Clicking on a mount opens the wowhead link to said mount in a new tab.​
If you have any suggestions for more functions, please let me know.​

What mounts are on the website?
It contains all of the currently available F2P mounts that are obtained through in-game activities, so no store mounts, twitch drops, and all that bullshit.
It only has confirmed F2P mounts, so I didn't add Great Sea Ray for example, since there has been no confirmed F2P drop.
The only Trading Post mounts that have been added to the list are the ones that have been available since our Trading Post discovery.

Some notes about the website
I've worked on this for less than a week, more things are coming soon, I will eventually add a Pet and Toy section for example.


Example pic after filtering for mounts not obtained.
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I found a mistake! this mounts are shown when i choose Alliance and Burning Crusade. And a wish, can u try to add some bar from 0 to 100 percent completed mount collection?


  • Безымянн333ый.png
    146.2 KB · Views: 156
I found a mistake! this mounts are shown when i choose Alliance and Burning Crusade.
Fixed the issue, had accidently given them alliance tag.

And a wish, can u try to add some bar from 0 to 100 percent completed mount collection?
Good idea
I made a bar showing with the number underneath, I can add a % next to the number if you want, but I feel like the number is more important than %.

I made a website that makes it easy to keep track on you F2P collection.
For now it only has mounts, but more is coming soon.

Here is the website
-----> https://conzil.github.io/f2p/ <-----

Mark which mounts you have obtained so it's easier to see what you are missing.​
Filter the mounts based on various criteria such as:​
How the mount is obtained, faction, or whether you have marked the mount as obtained or not.​
Is the list too long when looking for a specific mount? Then you can use the built in search function.​
Clicking on a mount opens the wowhead link to said mount in a new tab.​
If you have any suggestions for more functions, please let me know.​

What mounts are on the website?
It contains all of the currently available F2P mounts that are obtained through in-game activities, so no store mounts, twitch drops, and all that bullshit.
It only has confirmed F2P mounts, so I didn't add Great Sea Ray for example, since there has been no confirmed F2P drop.
The only Trading Post mounts that have been added to the list are the ones that have been available since our Trading Post discovery.

Some notes about the website
I've worked on this for less than a week, more things are coming soon, I will eventually add a Pet and Toy section for example.

View attachment 23959
Example pic after filtering for mounts not obtained.
Thanks for sharing it with us. I appreciate you for taking your time to make it :)
Started working on the Pet section, this will however take 1-3 weeks since there are a lot of them.


(Picture is from my local version, build won't be pushed until I've added all of the pets. This is just a small WIP update to let you all know what's happening.)

I've also been thinking of adding a filter for "Soloable" and "Not Soloable" so that it's easier to see if a F2P can get something without any external help, like how you need someone with a level 3 garrison for the Garrison mounts.

Thoughts on this? Will it be too many filters or is one more okay?
Suggestion, and i am not sure if this is actually doable or not but: ability to put region+server+name/straight link to wowhead profile or anything to automatically mark the already owned mounts&pets&toys as such.
Suggestion, and i am not sure if this is actually doable or not but: ability to put region+server+name/straight link to wowhead profile or anything to automatically mark the already owned mounts&pets&toys as such.
It’s def possible to do something like that, but to be honest, it’s beyond what I could do I think. I don’t have any real experience of web dev before, this is just me going ham with ChatGPT.

I can look into it, but I doubt I could do it.
https://www.wowhead.com/item=212606/sarge and https://www.wowhead.com/item=212522/compass-rose is now available from the Hearthstone 10 year anniversary in-game event.

I won't be adding them to the website though since they will most likely be grandfathered again in a week, I might add them later if Blizzard decides to reward them in any other way, like the Trading Post or something.

https://www.wowhead.com/item=163186/fiery-hearthsteed is also available by logging into Hearthstone.
(You will need to relog in Wow for it to appear in mount journal)

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