PTR Level 10s in Shadowlands

i do. But never fear, all the zones scale anyway
Thanks Chops.
Only issue is on PTR, I can no longer queue any dungeons. I can get quests to take me to X-Pacs from the adventure board, but no access to TW dungeons, other than walking manually to them and trying to solo :(

Edit: Tested my old 90's and none of them have access to Chromie either. Seems they have implemented those requirements to access Chromie time. But I guess other than dungeon finder, we should be good for those zones...... right......?
hunter pets seem to have no more mortal wounds affect. :/
None of my stabled pets have any useful abilities. Looks like most are now at lvl 14, so RIP if we stay 10 :(
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the first talent is also at level 15. 10 is just a really bad place to be. what are the chances f2p actually get to be level 15
the first talent is also at level 15. 10 is just a really bad place to be. what are the chances f2p actually get to be level 15
slim. Your current Best Case Scenario is Blizzard just decides to say fuck it and leaves starter accounts at 20, effectively granting F2P access to everything but the current xpac.

Your current Most Likely Scenario is that Blizzards complete redesign of the new player experience and starting zone means that they cap it at 10, in line with the level squish and said redesign.

I suppose theres a non-zero chance it ends up at some other weird level but I'd wager that chance at rather small.
I would gladly give up all my gear and grandfathered items to see my pets glow red in anger in SL’s..... not sure everyone agrees with this, but I just want to see them red and angry, so crossing my fingers for 20. Lvl 10 is just woeful on so many classes. 15 would be manageable and is nice to have a talent, but 20..... bring it on Blizz!
FYI brackets still appear to be separated, at least on ptr.

tested this with 4 accounts trying to que arenas.
q: is there any reason to believe darkmoon cards will scale down to lvl 10? Specifically vanilla ones
thats fine as long as they fix the scaling. Maybe IV picking it up means itll finally get attention.
Might not, that post was from august 20th and its now august 31st 11 days later. I think I am gonna farm it out just incase, shouldnt take too long and it never hurts to have it just to be sure. Its gotta be on their radar now that its been reported so much though right?
Might not, that post was from august 20th and its now august 31st 11 days later. I think I am gonna farm it out just incase, shouldnt take too long and it never hurts to have it just to be sure.
Yea, Ive got a grip of pieces and am probably going to prioritize getting more.

Even if they end up being worthless for SL, theres a possibility that in whatever xpac comes next, F2P/vet get HOA and the azerite traits work. Who knows! Might as well have it, yea?
Definitely a good idea to start stocking up on them now if you want them, they dont drop for your class or spec always so it can take quite a few rares to get the set of gear for the class you want. You would think you could just use a leather or cloth even if you can use mail, but it has class requirements on them so you can only use it for the respective class its for. I think some rares are daily and some are weekly but not sure.
I think at this point now that were all talking about it we might as well just tweet it @wowdevs lol

Other than that, I noticed that from start of PTR until now, all of the Island Expedition doubloon vendor stuff is now purchasable and usable @ lv 10, both gear tokens and crates.

I was able to get an epic ilv 14 from refreshing the legs token multiple times. Token gear created on my lv 50 required lv 50 so untradable. CBA to farm the epic crates yet.
I think at this point now that were all talking about it we might as well just tweet it @wowdevs lol
You do realize that nobody cares about this website right? Your persistent belief that blizz devs crawl some niche gaming site to find bugs instead of doing something like, I dunno, reading bug reports is really something. Trust, if Icy Veins picked it up, theyre aware of it.
What's the best way to farm these? Havent played end game in a while ><

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Not 100% sure, I haven't started I know you need to be 120 and complete the 8.3 legendary cloak prereq though. Then you go to Uldum/Vale of Eternal Blossoms and kill rares. I flew to Uldum without the prereq done, could phase it to lvl 50 on ptr but could not find any rares.

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