Whitemane Alliance premades

Exactly, I was trying to do the same the other day. I was in a pug and we were getting stomped so I was just trying to lure out some fun 1v1s but <Slash AFK> always come at me 3 at a time. Scared I guess haha
hey hey hey, how many times have i come at you even when your surrounded by ally hahaha :) all it takes it a few lucky crits lol need to make a duel area or something :) ally side, behind the zerker hut meet me there after work 1 outs no jump ins hahaha :)
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hey hey hey, how many times have i come at you even when your surrounded by ally hahaha :) all it takes it a few lucky crits lol need to make a duel area or something :) ally side, behind the zerker hut meet me there after work 1 outs no jump ins hahaha :)
Haha. That you do.

Designated dual area isn't a bad idea. Wish there was cross faction communication. Bit of trash talking is always good.
Haha. That you do.

Designated dual area isn't a bad idea. Wish there was cross faction communication. Bit of trash talking is always good.
halfstep#1314 add me and start the banter :)
the fapping is what makes me cringe.. I see so much fapping when there are 5 mans let alone 10 mans. is positioning really so bad that people have to fap in a pug? I'll use a grenade here and there but fapping just seems so lame. Just annoyed that we can outplay a team with more twinks that always have the better class makeup and yet they win because of faps.
Most faping I've seen is from Sonictwink though, ofc in a PUG. People gonna fap, what can you say? I'll fap to get a flag out of a twink turtle, but I've literally only had to resort to it four times since BGs started.
the fapping is what makes me cringe.. I see so much fapping when there are 5 mans let alone 10 mans. is positioning really so bad that people have to fap in a pug? I'll use a grenade here and there but fapping just seems so lame. Just annoyed that we can outplay a team with more twinks that always have the better class makeup and yet they win because of faps.
Just going to say I try to refrain from using consumables but when you run into 5-10man alliance popping about 100g worth of consumables a game against a pug you tend to have to use them to keep up. Saying that when I play my alliance 39 I hardly ever see anyone use them on either side. Guess it’s just the luck of the draw when I play horde or I’m not paying much attention to my team when I play alliance.
Most faping I've seen is from Sonictwink though, ofc in a PUG. People gonna fap, what can you say? I'll fap to get a flag out of a twink turtle, but I've literally only had to resort to it four times since BGs started.
Sonic is decent and I don’t really see them popping much consumables, but I guess again I stop following them when they hit open fields because I’m never going to catch up. If sonic is in here a bit of constructive feedback, work on your position a bit, horde are melee heavy currently so when you corner yourself in the FR your squishy. Learn the outside a bit more with ToT playing and everything and you won’t go down as much :) just thought this could help you a little.
Like we just had a great game against a premade group that was back and forth we were holding on and possibly figuring out a strat and then the faps came out. Totally turned me off to the rest of that game.
Just FYI FAPs can be dispelled, get your priests/shamans on to them and if it’s anything like Whitemane you’lol make them waste 3g and a 2minute shared CD.
I know it can be purged off. im alliance. no shaman.. and as i've said previously i dont know what games other people get in, but priests are NOT often in my games unless im facing 2-3 of them on horde side. Just a cheese move that isn't used until they think they might lose and then the faps come out. Just meh to me is all.
I know it can be purged off. im alliance. no shaman.. and as i've said previously i dont know what games other people get in, but priests are NOT often in my games unless im facing 2-3 of them on horde side. Just a cheese move that isn't used until they think they might lose and then the faps come out. Just meh to me is all.
That sucks, I understand where you come from, I absolutely hate FAPs but then you will also run into the age old argument that twinking is min/maxing your potential on a lower level to give you an advantage over the other player and that kind of is the definition of using consumables.
annoyed that we can outplay a team with more twinks that always have the better class makeup and yet they win because of faps.

i see what you mean but

the age old argument that twinking is min/maxing your potential on a lower level to give you an advantage over the other player and that kind of is the definition of using consumables.


i personally don,t use faps, but boy does that make devouring one on a druid exiting fr before fearing and melting them all the more enjoyable
Druids that pop FaPs are the worse, doesnt really bother me on other classes, but a FAPsed up druid is annoying as fuck haha thats why i always focus druids twinked or not, bastards :) already have so much utility there shouldnt be a need to FaPs on top of that, gotta either be try hard as fuck or just flat out rich guy haha ( guess could just play heaps and farm them up ) - Im kinda surprised at the lack of sapper charges tho.

Had a fair 1v1 the other day with a pally named Thehand - thought he was good until he popped a hp pot in our 1v1, i didnt even try heal ( was on my shammy ) total fair 1v1 - lost respect for him instantly need to have a rematch if you see this Thehand :) no pots ya dog :p
Meh if you don't have a HP pot to pop what are you doing? The pvp ones are one silver from WSG vendor if you don't want to buy real ones. I use dynamite or nades and a health/mana pot every time I need them, just as I would expect any twink to.
Druids that pop FaPs are the worse, doesnt really bother me on other classes, but a FAPsed up druid is annoying as fuck haha thats why i always focus druids twinked or not, bastards :) already have so much utility there shouldnt be a need to FaPs on top of that, gotta either be try hard as fuck or just flat out rich guy haha ( guess could just play heaps and farm them up ) - Im kinda surprised at the lack of sapper charges tho.

Had a fair 1v1 the other day with a pally named Thehand - thought he was good until he popped a hp pot in our 1v1, i didnt even try heal ( was on my shammy ) total fair 1v1 - lost respect for him instantly need to have a rematch if you see this Thehand :) no pots ya dog :p
I feel like health potions are totally free game, doesn't ever both me if somebody pops one on me, even in a 1v1. I use them all the time, but i also buy them for 4s because me and the bois que from base camp half the time. It's the Faps that are annoying and the goblin mortar that are popped literally on cd that get annoying AF. I use Iron grenades mostly just for the stun because they dont even hit that hard but if somebody has to crutch on GM's or TG's then I understand that the person is simply handicapped lol
oh dont get me wrong i dont mind pots, but not in a fair 1v1 thats when i draw the line.
Pots don't bug me but nerf that stupid death ray lol. Someone one shot me with one yesterday, so op.
haha seen a screen shot on the twink discord yesturday this wasnt u was it haha


  • deathray.png
    289.7 KB · Views: 172
Damn it, who told @Piffin about Green Whelp Armor??
hes runs it every now and then, hes got me a couple times the little bugger haha, so funny when it happens - just watch him run off int the distance as you catch some Zzzzs

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