Whitemane Alliance premades

I only run it when 4 or more melee in a game or theres a rogue after me while fcing or something.

Usually i use Jerkin +4 or scarlet +100 HP.
Most faping I've seen is from Sonictwink though, ofc in a PUG. People gonna fap, what can you say? I'll fap to get a flag out of a twink turtle, but I've literally only had to resort to it four times since BGs started.
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/53944356 this felt good when our team couldn’t get him and I had to go offense to help
oh yeah he mentioned that in the chat at the time
how much did you pay for your hyacinth macaw?
oh yeah he mentioned that in the chat at the time
how much did you pay for your hyacinth macaw?
i think i paid 300ish on oceanic before i xferred and bought 2 more so still trying to sell those so if ur keen lmk ill chuck it on neutral
Nah I don't have the coin for such things lol, my deadmines macaw will suffice.
Bigglesworth is running 5+ man horde premades now? That makes 5 servers I've heard/seen running horde 5+ mans
Whitemane (2 different guilds)

Any Alli servers apart from Whitemane doing 5+ mans? GL solo queueing into that.
Add Horde-Stalagg to the list, just solo queued into a 7 man


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Couldn't say, there wasn't really many 39s on in the guild today so i just solo queued a couple then did 49s.We ran a 5 man 49 which was fun.
Just saying, need more alli twinks, need more alli guilds.We had our first horde refugee who was tired of the queues make a char with our guild, he had a 60 warrior and a 39 twink shaman.
I know it can be purged off. im alliance. no shaman.. and as i've said previously i dont know what games other people get in, but priests are NOT often in my games unless im facing 2-3 of them on horde side. Just a cheese move that isn't used until they think they might lose and then the faps come out. Just meh to me is all.

FAPS are game. Get some if you want. Don't handicap yourself based on a rule you are making up in your head. We're geared to the teeth for a reason. Whining about them won't get you far. Twinking in itself can be considered a cheese move. Using consumables properly makes a difference.

- Lrh or Surre on Bigglesworth.

GGs you played well today.
Pots don't bug me but nerf that stupid death ray lol. Someone one shot me with one yesterday, so op.

There was a crew of three Rets in a game today - Hastings, Longmont and another... All three Deathrayed me that game lol.
Any truth to death ray doing more damage the higher your engineering level is or is that an urban myth?
Any truth to death ray doing more damage the higher your engineering level is or is that an urban myth?
believe its based off the damage it does to the user ( still random but you know itll be a good one if you take alot of damage on the charge up )
Rofl if only you had heard sonic in discord when this happened. GG friend
Hahaha you guys ended up winning that game anyway i imagine he said something like “wtf was that broken ass shammies”

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