Recent content by Zukumlol

  1. Premade Set Up

    Not very experienced in 19 premades but I would say: Boomkin Ele x2 Hunter x2 Destro Lock Prot warr Priest Hpal Resto Druid
  2. Best of 19s US

    I've gotten 2400+ in rbgs (dot cleave is hard) and 2.2k+ in arenas but I suck at 19s lul. On topic: I'd say the best 19 is someone who is very skilled at any class they play on. Ex: Stubs/Yowza (I think he plays a lot of classes)
  3. Most Entertaining 19's Ventrillo Convo

    DA and Overkill rap battling a while back was pretty damn entertaining.
  4. How much does assassins blade sell for in gold?

    From what I've seen...15-20k
  5. Oldmoose Appreciation Thread

    Old Moose.
  6. 19 Ventrilo

    hopefully this plan gets put into action!
  7. que up

    yeaaa q'ing upp
  8. More Alliance Please

    jk doing dailies forever
  9. More Alliance Please

    No time to be qing 19s. I'm training to be the best that no one ever was
  10. <Thunder Tinks> - [H] Bleeding Hollow - Now Recruiting

    Something I'm interested in, my mage (fire) is on horde tich. peaked at like 2420 or so last season but finished low 2300's (carry groups :/ whatever though) However, my computer broke recently (typing on a bad laptop atm) and I haven't been able to log on since a couple days before MoP release...
  11. Why people who say this bracket takes no skill are so wrong

    I achieved grand marshal on my fire mage this season in RBG's (lol dot cleave), and it wasn't very difficult as long as people knew the general concept of spreading damage (keep in mind I did get 2200+ in the other 2 seasons) and I can tell you that the 15-19 bracket does indeed take more skill...
  12. The cost of locking your experance.

    you poor you

    Word on the street is Restosexual will be drunk and blazed as well.
  14. Druid/warlock looking for active 19s

    Haha 2.2k is hard.
  15. Meat Puppet Now LF Practice/Premade

    Flavor of the month. Whatever class becomes op is known as a fotm class (hunters in cata, pallies pre-holy shock nerf, etc)