19 Ventrilo


Retired Aussie
Im posting this on behalf of Bam & Earthroots, completely all their ideas. They cant post since they are both new to TI.

We are trying to build a stronger community, each guild will have their own channel with password. We will have select admins, no one will be banned. But we will monitor people and mute if necessary.
We are trying to start a ventrilo which will be mainly 19's. Each guild leader will have their own channel with a password of their choice. We will be very selective as far as admins are concerned. We will moitor people and mute if necssary. We will not enter anyones channel, nor ban anyone. We are trying to bring the community together.

‎ We would like to get this happening once again! If we get enough support we will be making the ventrilo shortly.

Please send Bam or earthroots a message here on TI for anymore questions.
foo swag
We don't care for the money we just want to know who is going to use it if we make it if guilds will fall behind the idea or will the twinking community just fade away completely outside of TI forums?
I would totally support this idea if Ventrillo wasn't total garbage. Its a great idea and all, but I personally wouldn't use it. Id rather have a Ferrari for free instead of paying for a 1993 Toyota Corolla.
Honestly Skype is pretty great for multiple reasons:
  • No push to talk.
  • Invite who you want to talk with.
  • Free.
  • No ranks / no sucking up to get control to ban others etc.
I would perhaps use this new vent but it wouldn't be for team communication purposes.
Skype is great and all but it has a few main flaws, such as:
  • It drops calls constantly.
  • If the leader happens to get disconnected everyone else will to.
  • It has a pretty big delay, especially when you talking with people around the US/world.
  • When someone gets added it usually make your Skype screen pop up, which can happen at critical moments.
Also, you can take push to talk off of Vent. Furthermore, the noise it makes before someone talks makes it a lot less chaotic, because in Skype people talk over each other constantly especially in big groups.
Skype is great and all but it has a few main flaws, such as:
  • It drops calls constantly.
  • If the leader happens to get disconnected everyone else will to.
  • It has a pretty big delay, especially when you talking with people around the US/world.
  • When someone gets added it usually make your Skype screen pop up, which can happen at critical moments.
Also, you can take push to talk off of Vent. Furthermore, the noise it makes before someone talks makes it a lot less chaotic, because in Skype people talk over each other constantly especially in big groups.

Some of this does happen, but its usually due to whoever is hosting the call to have crap internet. Unless something is truly wrong with my internet (not often), then all calls I host are completely fine.
I enjoy both programs, have both installed and hop back and forth all the time. I think this is a rad idea and should be used by all twinks as a hub to organize arenas and gulcheroonis..

Nightfall's vent was a perfect example of how having an extra server to login and see if anyone you know is frequenting the server. I have multiple servers saved, along with different names, and will most certainly be adding this one to the list!

Thanks for sharing this with the community!
I enjoy both programs, have both installed and hop back and forth all the time. I think this is a rad idea and should be used by all twinks as a hub to organize arenas and gulcheroonis..

Nightfall's vent was a perfect example of how having an extra server to login and see if anyone you know is frequenting the server. I have multiple servers saved, along with different names, and will most certainly be adding this one to the list!

Thanks for sharing this with the community!

dude youre absolutely killin it with the avi and sig

I dig!

I know Bam is unsure about when he will get his Ventrilo up but I found a free public ventrilo that we could use that doesn't look crowded at all. We could have them even setup our own channel. Check it out: rift.typefrag.com 3784 I'm sure eventually someone will have something setup for the community in the near future.
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Im currently using the Booster it is a good program, good recorder built into it, can see that being another good addition to their programs
I've been looking into setting up a Vent server myself actually. I'll probably do it just to learn how, but I could look into opening it up to the 19 community.

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