More Alliance Please


Yeah so I am going to complain.

Kind of hoping to see more people go alliance. I really have no idea why everyone factioned off, I was liking games before MOP. Things were beginning to get competitive.
Its bad enough that the better players are off playing 85s now. :( But now every time I get on, I have to swap alliance because its so unbalanced. There are half the players there are on horde. Then when I'm alliance, its new players who tend to be on the sub-par side.
QQ =[
Actually Alliance has been winning majority of the games for the past couple of days. Usually because they have ~5 decent healers.

But whenever WT queues they kill the pops.
before you got on alliance won like 5+ games
Apparently it would seem as if Maximus got a charge ninja in the last game which costed us a cap...

Horde has been losing alot :(
Guys stay on topic please, I won't have this derailing of my thread into a pokemon direction!

Mocha, if you remember, there use to be enough people on alliance that we could farm an infinite amount of games. I am just sad that this is no longer a possibility, which obviously is why I faction swap.
Apparently it would seem as if Maximus got a charge ninja in the last game which costed us a cap...

Horde has been losing alot :(
Well not only that but defense was an absolute mess. The other healers were being relatively useless and were constantly out of position. We had five healers and for some reason I was the only one healing d. Then the paladin was supposed to be fcing, not ingle. Druids who aren't used to fcing don't really work out well.
WT just kills the pops with their premades. As well as killing the pops by people logging and /afk'ing due to rez camping. And i think very few people still play ally because Thunder Tinks went on a huge recruiting spree. Can't wait to see that guild rise above WT in a matter of weeks.
WT just kills the pops with their premades. As well as killing the pops by people logging and /afk'ing due to rez camping. And i think very few people still play ally because Thunder Tinks went on a huge recruiting spree. Can't wait to see that guild rise above WT in a matter of weeks.

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