yo 20s if you are tired of the 29 douchebags making bgs unplayable boost a 70 and spend like 100k on some gear and enchants and gems you will be more than competent in 70 bgs
Which do you prefer for lv11 Fury War, Lifestealing or Crusader? Someone put me onto Crusader and I feel like it's just better... I'm stronger and from what I see the heals are comparable. Has anyone else tried it out?
<Golden Twinkies> Recruiting 10s/20s/30s/35s for 5 weekly events! starting 2025 off with a bang over in GT! Join now! https://discord.gg/guildgoldentwinkies
Exodar portal being inaccesible to lvl20 in current timeline is a special kind of stupid. Like, I can understand the Oribos, Shattrath and Northrend Dal portals being inactive but EXODAR??
Recruiting more 20’s for large Arathi and Sweaty Warsong Gulch! Join the guild and discord https://discord.gg/guildgoldentwinkies for all things 20 twinks!
Hi Can some-one help me farm the 2 rings from Necrotic Wake mine drop on lvl 50 Ilvl 256 and all i did was just skip the intro On the Maw from the beginning in SW. Ty !
Recruiting more 20’s for large Arathi and Sweaty Warsong Gulch! Join the guild and discord https://discord.gg/guildgoldentwinkies for all things 20 twinks!