New profile posts

bunch of games going down on tormentwow right now - instant mop 70 twink server for anyone interested
The guild defeated 25 man Sindragosa and Putricide last night!!! FINALLY PROGRESSION WE HAD OVER 30 raiders come and go last night! I’m so thankful! Love you XPOff!! You enable GT to stand tall!
Que 2 mins- not bad. @2mins:: Que 4mins, @4mins:: Que 10mins
my max at locked dps was ~20 min yday
giving me solo shuffle ptsd (45m queues)
Recruiting more serious raiders to join our 25 man core team for sindragosa, putricide, ARTHAS!! & Also way more 20’s for wargames we had excellent Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch games wed/fri/saturday
Skimming through 11.1 patch notes when suddenly "Stormstrike can now be used without an offhand weapon, dealing only its main hand weapon damage." WE'RE SO BAAAACK. (Also Hunter changes are kinda cool).