Zomg Rage Starvation.

Yea... well just finished my 19 warrior, got 225 skinning and herb, my spec is 0/3/8 (3/3 incite). I always seem rage starved, its gets really annoying, as i can't dish out many Heroic strikes at a time, can anyone recommend a better spec for me? cheers from Remz/Stoked
um heroic strike is only for a rage dump IMO

the main abilities you should be using are hamstring and rend, and then of course use your interrupts and AoEs when needed. heroic strike is the LAST ability i'd use as a warrior. your whites should hit almost as hard and generate rage.

also if you want a good DPS spec i wouldn't go 0/3/7 to be honest.
Well ive been using 1h and shield, and seem to be doing second highest dmg per wsg (hunters do higher ofc)

can you reccomend me a spec?
StokesTerenas said:
Well ive been using 1h and shield, and seem to be doing second highest dmg per wsg (hunters do higher ofc)

can you reccomend me a spec?

well sword and board i would assume would be good for 0/3/7. you could always go with a 2h and do something like 2/8/0, but i don't really know too much about warriors. what i do think is that if you use a 2 hander you'll have considerably less survivability but more DPS with rend and your total DPS should increase.

i would definately say that 0/3/7 seems like a great sword and board spec for a balanced set with Armored to the Teeth and of course the prot talents.
Heroic strike is a rage dump, nothing more.


Tactical Mastery is the key to this build because in this generation of 19s the warrior has become the hunter killer. In order to streamline his ability to dismantle a hunter literally, you need to have rage for your Disarm and the following re-Hamstring after he trinkets out of the first one.

Don't focus on Heroic Strike. That's why you are rage starving yourself in the first place. Controlling the target and disabling him will allow you to always come out on top in the end. Rend, Overpower, and auto-attacks will be your main source of damage on any target. Save your Bloodrage till after you disarm the target and switch back to Battle Stance. That's when you will have enough rage to Heroic Strike with out starving yourself.

Once they are disarmed and you get a crusader proc. Pull out the 2h weapon w/ +9 damage or +25 agility for the serious hurt.

I'd like to add, the reason I don't spec Heroic Strike is because 3 rage, when your boiling over with it, doesn't mean that much at that point in the fight. You should already have control over the target and be around 40-60 rage. The parry is simply survivability.
I used to HS too, but HS is so 3.02. Back then warriors could gear for huge damage without losing much health which gave them lots of rage, making Incite viable. Now full arms is best, indeed. I usually find myself using Thunder Clap and Rend as damage sources, not HS.

the 1/2 point in improved rage will make a huge difference. it makes your charges give you enough rage to hamstring right off the charge. more reliability against hunters and helps rage issues.
StokesTerenas said:
With a 10/0/0 spec should i change my glyphs?

they are currently Charge/Hamstring.

those are both great glyphs, especially against hunters.
Try having a look at my specc 7/3/0, I always seem to have enough rage and being a NE SM + Charge is ace for getting rage. I also have charge/hamstring glyphs.
Well I used to roll with Imp thunder clap and the glyph that reduces its rage cost even further.

It cost 11rage per thunder clap and it was hitting 60-70 damge, with over 100 per crit.

Get improved rend if possible, i used to have great fun bleed kiting warriors and rogues.

I only used heroic strike if i had some rage spare tbh, rend/thunderclap/intimidating shout/hamstring are much much more important.


Ps: This is from a warrior who used to aim to win a wsg, not hitting the top of the leader board.
7/3/0 will leave you incapable of performing a charge-disarm. That might not matter all that much to you, but to me it did and I changed my spec for it.
Tactical preserves more rage over time than you can build with any other spec. You can rage dump, switch stances, have enough rage left over to hamstring or disarm either way you go. To me, that's incredibly more powerful than another 20-30 damage on my thunderclap.

Any warrior spec can be worth while for any direction you want to take. Aiming to win vs leader board are personal goals, the path you take is generally the same either way.
Another thing to remember when trying to output the most damage on your warrior is pull out your 2h'er before you rend, the damage from rend is based on the base dps of the weapon. I typically play sword and board and when I get a crusader proc from my shadowfang, I pull out the big gun glacial stone for max damage overpowers and hs for my rage dump.

I had a good fight with another warrior a couple nights ago, he did eveything right except follow me to the rest of my teammates. He had me hamstrung and rather then try to trinket out of it , I threw up shield block with my Redbeards and shield spike up, and let him rage dump on me. After the last hamstring he did, I disarmed him, hamstrung him, trinketed and ran back to a group of hunters. Lol.

I think what people need to remember is that being a warrior isnt about putting out a ton of dps, though it can be done with a 2'her. Its more of a CC and utility class. Your job is to keep people kited and make everyone around you better.
I use 2/5/3 myself. (Improve Rend, Higher Crit, Improve Thunder Clap) Purely for maximum damage output rather than versatility.

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