YouTube - Lolipop vs Bloodslicer (24 Protection Warrior)


0 clue why you would waste your frost nova at the very beginning, hes a night elf and anyone with half a brain would shadowmeld.

When he was running at you you started casting... should have used your instant casts and ran away because of course he is going to charge you.

Rotation was pretty much all over the place.

The warrior never threw once during the duel and used his charge at pretty incompetent times.

0 clue why your pet was turned off.

As people have said your UI wasnt on which is just annoying to watch :(


You where getting pretty good blinks.

You where kiting WELL.

All your frost novas outside of the first one where well used.


As someone else said you shouldn't just post a thread for every new video, but should make 1 thread where you post all of them.

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