Your personal favorite period of twinking.


Personally I have to say two times. As I always primarily played a warrior the enti's sword glitch had me playing hours a day. Even though it was a pretty harsh exploit it was still undeniably fun watching rends tick for 150 (not sure of the real number).

A more specific time period would be ruin the months before the migration and then probably the year to follow the migration. From the time time prodigy was just establishing its self and promoting a lot of the migration to ruin, and then the following year and few months where three premades in a week wasn't too surprising.
My significant influence on the NightWoW Reborn community and environment.

Making a lot of friends on that server who I still stay in contact with today.

Yeah, it's a private server, but I only played it because twinking turned to crap (IMO) once they removed a lot of items such as the leg enchants and added XP into Battlegrounds. I'm back to retail twinking now though since they improved it via War Games and I don't have to pay to play.

While ignoring the bad aspects of private servers and such, the community is what has always kept me playing this game. I was originally only a fan on the RTS series of Warcraft (grew up with WC1-3) and the only RPG-styled series I enjoyed was Diablo I and II.
BC twinking were the best days imo. As much as I hate to say it I liked the battle group days because it kept the communities tighter and you ran into more of the same players. Ofc, this likely depended on what BG you were in. Some BGs didn't have the pool of twinks but most did in the early days. Shadowburn ftw!

I noticed one variable in each post for why they chose their favourite era: Community.

Community is what generates progression and passion. Too bad nothing is perfect. Trolls and elitists!
~2.4.3, ~3.3.5, ~MoP
When I think of different time periods in which I have twinked, I think of the group of players I played with and what my guild was doing at the time. I've always surrounded myself with excellent players. So, I've enjoyed pretty much every period of twinking. I don't see this ever changing as long as I continue to surround myself with such wonderful people.
When I think of different time periods in which I have twinked, I think of the group of players I played with and what my guild was doing at the time. I've always surrounded myself with excellent players. So, I've enjoyed pretty much every period of twinking. I don't see this ever changing as long as I continue to surround myself with such wonderful people.

please, become a politician
When I think of different time periods in which I have twinked, I think of the group of players I played with and what my guild was doing at the time. I've always surrounded myself with excellent players. So, I've enjoyed pretty much every period of twinking. I don't see this ever changing as long as I continue to surround myself with such wonderful people.

we think your wonderful to!
My favorite time in twinking is when ever I get a chance to play with Purj! :)
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