Your favorite twinker of all time...

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... and why!

When you're asked "who is your favorite twinker" a name should pop into your head automatically, who is it and why?

For me... Merryjr. He never ceased to amaze me with how he never seems to panic in dire situations and is always able to pull off the sickest terrain almost anywhere on the warsong map that you've never seen anyone else do. The guy was way ahead of his time. I also fully respected his moral... i never saw him queue with a group, never seen him leave a game, never seen him talk trash (i really don't mind a little trash talking in the name of entertainment), all around excellent competitor.
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Beastly. Probably because I saw one of his video and I was amazed by how good he was compared to me. He was better than me in everything! Other than S keying and backpedaling.

and why is farley your favorite twinker?

Beastly. Probably because I saw one of his video and I was amazed by how good he was compared to me. He was better than me in everything! Other than S keying and backpedaling.

i remember watching his videos back in the day thinking "damn i'm glad i don't have to queue against that guy".

For the reason we've been playing tinks together since 2006 done hella premades together. Plus we been everywhere and played nearly every bracket

No homo
A rogue named Vinsang, no one else will recognize this name, but back when WoW first came out he was a 29 rogue and entire matches were decided because of this one guy, twinking didn't really exist yet, and i twinked because of him, i know he and I are some of the first people to ever twink in this game, and he was the first twink i ever encountered.

Other than that its Gauz, he was also one of the first twinks on Argent dawn and he has lead a few twink guilds, including (with help from lethal)NM which arguably reached perfection, he's a good guy, and talented. He is a natural leader and i learned quite a bit from him.
Healbear, because he speaks english, and can choose from any guild he wants to, and he chooses to play guildless and shut his fucking mouth, i have huge respect for a person who can play wow for what its worth, and nothing more nothing less.

This is me except I have a big mouth lol.
I have now played quite a few games agaisnt the frenchies, and there is this one rogue, Irokzahi or somehting, nelf male. No matter if they are joining in group, or he's q'ing alone, he's a friggin pain in the ass... not saying he's the best, but he's damn good.
I have now played quite a few games agaisnt the frenchies, and there is this one rogue, Irokzahi or somehting, nelf male. No matter if they are joining in group, or he's q'ing alone, he's a friggin pain in the ass... not saying he's the best, but he's damn good.
Irokizashi i think it is, and idd hes quite good.
Healbear, because he speaks english, and can choose from any guild he wants to, and he chooses to play guildless and shut his fucking mouth, i have huge respect for a person who can play wow for what its worth, and nothing more nothing less.

I agree, he/she stays well clear of the bullshit that inevitably happens at this level, stays quiet, plays the way WSG is supposed to be played and is one of the best at what he/she does.
all of those guys who are mature and not total tossers, yes, yes i love both of them.
Viancoqia, errytime this legendary mage steps into a game he is bound to catch erry single ally rogue in a nova at one point or another, thats how much he is constantly getting focused cuz of his legend status
Viancoqia, errytime this legendary mage steps into a game he is bound to catch erry single ally rogue in a nova at one point or another, thats how much he is constantly getting focused cuz of his legend status

nicozy, you'r banned now shoo.

how did i know it was you? there's only you and stubs who can kiss arse that well, and stubs cant type. <3
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