Your favorite people to focus in bg's

I like to focus anyone who has shown any appreciation for CC. Bop n Old, Phron, Bendandcough for example. I go out of my way to get some DMs on them as a way of saying "see look at the things I can do with this spell, isnt it great? you wanted to run that way but Im going to make you run this way" and I just picture them nodding their heads going "ah, very nice, as a student of the game I enjoyed that"

but most of the time as a priest I'm the one getting focused.. so here's some of the things I enjoy getting focused by

- rogues. I have so many ways to get range from them that it's just not fair

- hunters. but only if I'm near a hut or a tunnel entrance or some other line of sight. after a long struggle with slow DoT damage and healing they usually end up dying or running away disappointed

- anything if Im near a tall cliff or the waterfall between Farm and Goldmine

- boomies. chastising their big casts at the last second never gets old

thing I don't like getting focused by

- blood elf rogues with zerker. leave me alone

- prot pallies. so many interrupts, so many ways to get out of CC

- ele shamans. Im taking so much damage and I need to heal but first I need to try to fakecast. and sometimes the wind shear never comes. the WIND SHEAR NEVER COMES. and so I get zapped waiting for the wind shear
(bigdip, phron, snug)

- 24 shamans. please no, no more frost shock. please
(Thegreenguy or w/e his name is. I know he does it on purpose)

- feral druids. they really force me to put more effort into staying alive than I want to exert
(Lenny, Lanky, Taeyon)

- monks. besides the fact theyre usually 24s.. theyre really hard to get away from. brewmaster, windwalker, doesnt matter. a game of Donkey Kong avoiding BM barrels is sometimes fun but Fists of Fury is just OP
(Albinooo, Invigiotto or something like that)

- warlocks. especially with succubus out. what a bother
(this one troll who always keep their succy at range so I cant scream them both)

- mages who use sheep
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Lol, yeah nothing jacks me up more than a class with an interrupt not using it. After about the third fake attempt, I HAVE to venture down the road of finishing a heal or else I or whoever I'm healing will be dead. It's very uncomfortable and unsettling. It's like I feel less in control of a fight the less someone tries to interrupt and could quite possibly spend more time faking than I wouldn've been locked out of a school had I just free casted, heh. I do not like it.
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A certain BM speccd hunter who enjoys sending his pet after people while he chills on horde tot. I feel no remorse when killing him, I just think of all the poor clothies trying to out run his pet. :(
*looks over rock*
*tip toes past a clearing*
*steps on twigs*
*everyone starts attacking*

but seriously, I like to focus on either they guy that keeps killing me, efc, or the healers.
Tyrkysovej and onixx

its a shame you can only do it once per game

Always the funniest thing to do, just get the whole team to train them until they will leave. Makes me giggle every time.

After that it's always fun to kill 24s, speedpotting tryhards and people you know :D

And it must be wierd SPQR if no one knows who you are/play but still focus you. #aboutthat ...
No one on Aggramar knows who you are dude, stop acting victim.

Now get your fellow humanz to like your post many times so yall believe more in it.
Also, to be a victim i must be hurt. Kinda hard thing to do considering most agg folks wont even bring me down to 10%hp.
Awesome Thread! Okay Here we go....

I am Definitely one of those people that puts extra emphasis on killing certain individuals... so let's name a few!

Peez 24 hunter- This guy is one of my favorites to kill. It started back when 24's would scroll up before games. He was an individual that would rather see his buffs stay on than die and lose them in the game.... After seeing the hunter disappear into the nether for the first time, the Ursinites tend to make it one of our goals to Kill or AFK.

Danze 20 Paladin- Although I haven't seen them for a very long time on their f2p (maybe has dif toon now?) when i first joined Ursin crew there was already some mud in the water between the two... Something with having to do with "the raw/skill knowledge of the gulch". From day one in the gulch it was cut in stone to repeatedly kill this individual... then came the fun part. I learned through few people that this player bots at times, pushing for hks. But sometimes...just sometimes... when wrangling the hogs in the hog pen, we just felt that it wasn't that bot that hit bubble :)

Lukeqt- Luke is a very cool guy from when i have talked to him, we just got off on an interesting note! As my signature may suggest, putting extra emphasis to tie up Lukeqt was a priority for some time! It began when the Ursinites were playing an arguably far from objective game and Luke called us out on it. Embracing the moment, we began to run down the warrior for numerous gulches as some sort of a game for us!

20 Tauren Warrior Dinobrito?- The name is semi escaping me but i think i am close. Literally just focused that guy because his name was hilarious (which is ironic because i can't remember it :O). Maybe one of the Ursinites or someone else can fill me in on his true identity! It is his goggles that make him look so silly.

Revpock on any Horde toon- This is a unique situation, rather than going out of our way to kill him, we go out of our way to keep him alive! As a fellow Ursinite, more often than not we play along side him, but sometimes he gets caught on the wrong faction! This started one day when me and Xda queued into a game and saw Rev on the other side. After abolishing a backchop mid engage, just /waved to Rev as the last man standing and moved on! Interesting Caviot thought i would mention!

Yuantximdq 20 Paladin- Had to mention this guy! Favorite prot paladin of all time! Just good to take him out of the picture!

Moncy 20 Priest- This guy is a competitor, but unfortunately he is on one of the most trainable classes in the bracket! Just a fun target to kill see him quite often!

24 Tauren Male Spriest who's name i'm forgetting(@kevikev help me on this one) and Xc 24 Rogue- I know sometimes we joke around and say we get one shot by individuals when in reality it was probably 1 big hit along with 2-3 mini hits in global afterwards.... I have never seen 2 players absolutely obliterate players in a global over and over again. 2.2k Burst plus. Usually takes multiple human sacrifices and some false sense of courage to bring them down!

Bendandcough- Hehehe... druids are just so much fun to hit, and bend always makes you work for it! Blackwing Lair players in general tend to put up good fights and it is fun to play against them!

Lenny 20 Druid- One of the most focused objective players in the bracket! Just have to keep a special eye out for him whenever against him! He tends to be slippery... helps to engage with multiple tangos!

Makke 20 Druid- For some reason or another, my crit chance goes up 50% when hitting this person... and i like to see big numbers! Usually run him down and dent him up a bit!

Bigdip 20 Shaman- Once again, this guy is a very skilled player and often get's overlooked! Objective player and really understands the capabilities on an ele shaman! Usually try to keep him in sight!

Anyone from Holy Crit- Now that i think about it, there are not too many names that stick out to me individually(there is just an inordinate amount of them), just enjoy having to be the Cinderella story and going against these guys. Always a challenge to prove that even the underdogs can come out on top!

Last but not least... Carl the Scorpion- When we talk about hunters, we talk about pet control, how well a hunter moves his pet, when he sends them in, when he has the pet alive etc.... This pet has a mind of its own and has gotten me killed on multiple occasions. Whether it be running me down in tunnel, or luring me into falling off ToT, never underestimate the power of Carl. A bounty of 10g for the twonk that brings me it's head!

Ill add in more names when i can remember them or think of more, just been awhile and pulling names out of my memory bank can be a struggle if not yet evident :p Fun thread keep it up!
Revpock on any Horde toon- This is a unique situation, rather than going out of our way to kill him, we go out of our way to keep him alive! As a fellow Ursinite, more often than not we play along side him, but sometimes he gets caught on the wrong faction! This started one day when me and Xda queued into a game and saw Rev on the other side. After abolishing a backchop mid engage, just /waved to Rev as the last man standing and moved on! Interesting Caviot thought i would mention!

<3 You guys make it fun, though I'm not sure how to feel about that pat on the head. When the moon glows green and the stars send down their minions, the tower will blaze forth with a new command and I shall then return to Alliance.

... Or maybe next week, depending how I feel.

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I actually do this weird thing where i play on ally a bit and if i see any good player on ally i go on my horde for the next game and try and kill 'em and vise versa xD

I usually just look out for premades and good fc's
- AP, BWL, BT and etc...
- There are also some individuals who i would love to fight more often but due to time zone diferences they're hard to encounter like Phron.

Honestly there are so many great players out there who get overlooked and they are the main ones who make games fun and keep me coming back to wow so thanks you guys :D

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