Your F2P Class Sequence


Which f2p toons have you rolled so far?

Current: Mage -> Druid -> Shaman -> Priest -> Warlock -> Rogue

Planned: Paladin -> Hunter

Geared/Favored so far: Mage, Shaman, Rogue
mage > pally > druid > rogue > warlock > hunter > shaman > warrior > priest

hunter is the most fun. he takes the most skill and leaves me on the edge of my seat every game as i challenge myself to not allow them to leave the graveyard
hpally > priest > hpally (AP) > hunter > warrior > enh shaman > ret pally > rogue > rshammy

Holy Paladin is my favorite. The ret, rogue, warrior, and shaman are fully BoA'd. Shaman for both specs. Enhancement is my favorite to play in a premade scenario (basically with heals). But I often find myself playing holy paladin because it's what I do best, and beneficially impacts my team the most. Rogue is my favorite class to PuG, because I can have fun outplaying bad hunters.
Oh boy... Mage > Warrior > Priest > Shaman > Druid > Warrior > Mage > Paladin

The first warrior was on my main server till we brought him to AP for a sword that Èarl wanted. The priest, shaman, and second mage are horde and all three of those tions are really a blast right now... Shaman is enhance and i think enhance is the most under-represented class that really shouldnt be under-represented.. its a great fun class. Shadow priest has also been really, really fun... just because I like playing with the snare and sw: pain until I get 3 shadow orbs, when a shadow priest crits with 3 of those its pretty much GG, not to mention how much damage I can put out with zerker. The warrior is really fun in situations where I have a healer.. and shadowmeld charge is one of the better racial combos in this bracket, its really priceless when you can charge a hunter after he has disengaged. The druid is NE and I have played resto/balance with her... Resto is dependant on roots and swiftmend and travel form from my limited experience... Balance is a ton of fun because once you get an eclipse rolling, you become a pretty scary turret... The dots on a balance druid really are nice and I enjoy spreading dots on the boomkin for damage output... I know I'm going all over the place but the horde mage is fun because playing horde gives me the potential to use arcane to its full ability, with so many blood elves on horde, I have found frost to be much more effective on my alliance mage but that is not the case on this mage... Arcane is fun because you can run around in circles and just kill shit, I almost feel bad playing arcane but then I'm like, all these hunters don't feel bad so i dgaf anymore... I have two paladins that I play as well... One is alliance, this one was my brothers at first but he stopped playing so I took it in... Holy Paladin has been my class/spec for the longest time, my first toon in fhe game, and my main 19 twink, I feel at home with the class and play it pretty well... The horde holy is not yet geared. And finally I get to talk about my pride and joy... Shaurooke was the first one... Rolled a mage because i wanted something new, and boy was I bad at it... Haha almost rerolled like a bazzilion times and just quit mage, but i stuck with it... I enjoy playing frost mage when I'm with Èarl and the rest of the alliance homies because well, I feel like its my niche on alliance side... Pretty much why all my other alliance toons don't get that much playing time... I just feel like, well we need a mage, and im the only one (most of the time) so I better just play mage! Frost is fun because i get the huge crits, simple as that. Nothing beats an 800+ zerker hut frostbolt shatter crit that makes that hunter shit his pants haha... Well that's it i think... I probably went too much into detail but I enjoyed it...
Paladin -> Warlock -> Hunter -> RShammy


Paladin has 1 BoA and is BiS retired Main

Warlock full BoAs including PvP Trinket new Main

Hunter Eye Patch Hero for the lulz so BiS


Warlock obvious shit is obvious?
Damn - that's alot for some of you.

My first 20 is a p2p enh shammy and is the only geared one (but I may cancel the acct) and the next : ftp horde paladin then ally resto sham.

Next? hrmm... likely a s priest or babyboomkin. (Notice I only play toons with healing...hahaha /crutch)
Sub Rogue > Disc Priest > Balance Druid

I rarely if ever play on my rogue anymore, she isn't fully twinked and I'm not interested in completing her tbh
My priest is pretty fun to play, and OP 1v1. My favorite is definitely the druid
Especially after getting the PvE staff, I kind of melt faces from a distance. I also like that it's a class not many people play.
Protection Paladin... And thats it.

I've tried doing a hunter but didn't like the playstyle, but I am trying a disc priest now and it seems to be ok (not fully leveled yet)
Rogue > shaman > warrior > paladin (in progress)

Benched the rogue when I decided to play on AP. Shaman is my favorite by far, but I wanted a toon to play on bleeding hollow so I could still talk to my 19 buddies in game and made the warrior, and I just recently rolled the pally so I could have an AP horde toon.

I Still love my druid since its always fun to see big hits when no one else can see you. Very nice vs rogues. I like shamans as an offensive healer andmages are faceroll at least arcane.

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