Your Best Farm Day

Humans get a free trinket so we get 12 more stamina. IMO 12 stamina is way more useful than just 4 agility .

I have seen a lot of Night Elf twinks who have such low health and end up dying to quickly before the extra agility actually makes a difference. So Humans are BiS. ;)
is way more useful than just 4 agility .

Not really the reason to roll NE. at least for me. Actually it was coz of that cat pet <33
On topic thru.. The reason to roll NE is shadowmelting.
It + disengage = winning
It + making spriest waist his orb while u get 0 dmg = winning
There is more but it is a classified secret of NE huntarrs yoh

Allthru i share your idea to stam stak hunter, i dont believe humans to be bis as hunters in our braket,
Not really the reason to roll NE. at least for me. Actually it was coz of that cat pet <33
On topic thru.. The reason to roll NE is shadowmelting.
It + disengage = winning
It + making spriest waist his orb while u get 0 dmg = winning
There is more but it is a classified secret of NE huntarrs yoh

Allthru i share your idea to stam stak hunter, i dont believe humans to be bis as hunters in our braket,

And when shadowmeld is on Cooldown? GG. Night elfs can be better in some situations but overall humans are the best choice!
And when shadowmeld is on Cooldown? GG. Night elfs can be better in some situations but overall humans are the best choice!

Goohd, that is a matter of opinion and preference. Some people like to rely on a cd, such as shadowmeld, to help with their encounters. Others (such as yourself?) like to really on a passive, which I would consider that extra 12 from freed up trinket slot. I, personally, like a mix of both. While human has more survivability, nelf will get more done, such as making a spriest waste his orbs. Who cares if it has a 2 min cd? Use it sparingly.
Goohd, that is a matter of opinion and preference. Some people like to rely on a cd, such as shadowmeld, to help with their encounters. Others (such as yourself?) like to really on a passive, which I would consider that extra 12 from freed up trinket slot. I, personally, like a mix of both. While human has more survivability, nelf will get more done, such as making a spriest waste his orbs. Who cares if it has a 2 min cd? Use it sparingly.[/QUOTE

I didnt even want to start this argument. From the start I just posted my best farm day :p then out of no where Adal says im not BiS and nelfs are better. Dude is rude.
I didnt even want to start this argument. From the start I just posted my best farm day :p then out of no where Adal says im not BiS and nelfs are better. Dude is rude.

Lol it's cool man, everyone's got there own play style :)

But I guess I should post my best farm day or whatever. Farming sfk runs for the first few times and was around 20, when mindthrust drop. I ask my friend if he wanted to join me later that day. 20-something run and the 1st with my friend, mindthrust drop again and then he has to go. Later that day, at 27 runs, Assassin's Blade drops. I feel so sorry for Medi and all his hard work into his sfk runs. Sadly I was on a druid.
Did 2k honor in a day once in PuG BG's on an arms warrior. Not incredible, but definitely a solid day of farming.

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