Your best crits?

Sooo I was bored as fuck for hours and I don't have much interest in most recent threads on 15-19 so I'll make a new one. Basically just post a Screenshot of your highest crit, or if you don't have one just say how much you've critted someone for. Everything counts, you can be maxbuffed vs a 10debuffstack EFC or anything you want. As long as it's not a damage exploit.

Here's mine so I contribute at least something...
Unbuffed and on my cookiecutter hunter gear so I know someone has definitely critted more :) Send in your SS's!
In an 19 xp off Bg i critted 1668 on kiköö, with buffs, forgot to SS -.-,

OFC i were hit capped
The most I have ever BEEN critted was by a fire mage.

I had 10 stack debuff and was stacking stam with around 2k hp. (it was 1980 or something) This mage had tones of potions and berserk. I was trying to use the wall to stop pyroblast from casting but me being cocky and some lagg made the hit land.

It got me down into the 150hp mark then he blinked, and kill me. I attempted to look at the persons armory but only managed to find him with normal mage gear. I do believe that he was using fire gear, with 20+ firepower enchant to gloves and increase SP on weapon and bracer. At that time I had no just stam stacking gear, no reducing in dam or anything

I can't recall the name, but it was Horde BE mage and was something along the lines of "Critical" or Crittycat".
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Theres nothing wrong with them, just people dont understand the concept of diffrent types of keybinds.
Ehhh.. is that purple rich shirt on your action bar a macro called 'Scam'? :p

Don't think I ever critted like that..
Ehhh.. is that purple rich shirt on your action bar a macro called 'Scam'? :p

Don't think I ever critted like that..

Haha, no it says stam :p As in, a FC set! But this thread wasn't about bragging but just genuinely wanting to know how much you critted for or even see a SS about that. :) So please post your crits even if it isn't like MM aimed shots.
1560 with TV on Isa with dunno how many debuffs, never felt better.
Most i've crit for from recent memory was in the 1600s-1700s on a ret pally with might and druid 5% buff along with crusader proc and 3 holy power.
When it comes to crits my retri is a big love <3. With crusader I'm usually doing crits around 700-1.4k but my highest crit so far is around 1.6k I think. :)
does trolling with caps lock on count?

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