You tried to gank me and failed!


I'd have to say the best part of this game, for me, is when somebody tries to gank me and dies instead. Swift justice is good. This one happened yesterday:

At the Throne of Elementals, my 67 warrior saw a couple horde scoping me out. Now I knew if you attacked there the NPCs would attack you. And so I waited 20 seconds for the inevitable... So this rogue starts a stunlock on me and got me down to about 80%, when a fire elemental with almost 4 million hp one shots em outta nowhere. That was priceless.

But my favorite story, my 62ish horde ret pally named "Sofakingop" was in the northeast corner of zangamarsh questing. I saw a node and saw some 80 priest mountup on her flying carpet and zoomed up above the node. I mined it and she attacked. She was at half mana at the time. Well we fought for about 2 minutes. I had her down to 1/4 life when an 80 DK deathgripped me. I managed to kill her and then ran from the DK for the next few minutes aggroing a couple of the bog lord guys. I got him down to around 1/4 life before I died. Needless to say both of them sucked at pvp. But I was pretty proud of my fight. Then they camped me. I got an 80 orc hunter to fly over and help as they killed me when I rezzed twice. She confirmed that they were 80s. Gotta love ret pallys!

Anyways, I love ganking the gankers! I never attack the other side 1st, it's not my style. But when they attack me, all bets are off. So if you have a similar story and I know you do, share it!
I have 2 good ones, I am on Coilfang which is recommended right now so it is full of people leveling with quest gear and new to classes.

At level 10 I got my first pet (first hunter) and went to Westfall to see how this magical spider would do against the alliance (I admit I had lifebloom and toughness rank 1-leet) so I fought a 11 and 13 rogue, a 15 mage, and then a ??? druid pops out in kitty and my spider webbed it before he got to me. So over and over I owned this (I would guess) 21 or 22 new to druid player as a level 10.

Then I was 19 along the Liferoot river in Hillsbrand grinding herb to 225, when I see a little gnome rogue with 1102 hp level ??? killing turtles and skinning, so i figure hes leveling skinning and will leave me alone...nope stealth. So I am kiting him all over the place and blew every cooldown before he finally turned to start to run away and I got him down, its was awsome :)
This happens to me all the time in Battlegrounds. I'll be trying to run into the Horde base to return a flag when some level 35 pug attacks me. It's like seriously I'm already past you and your going to attack. Most of the times I just keeping running but if you catch me in a bad mood I turn around and 1 shot them.
i run through gadgetzan on pvp servers and freeze the shit outta everyone on my mage then blink and pop invisibility
i run around hellfire on a 60dk just to gank people, but since i dont know anyone on that server i usually end up being camped by 80's until i of my toons are on pve servers so theres no ganking
Ganking the gankers is one of the best feelings...ever. During vanilla wow a god friend and I decided to roll dwarf hunters (we normally play horde) on Gurubashi (pvp server) and we made them look alike, named one Dimbit, the other Bimbit. While we were leveling in Duskwood - we ran across the level 35 elite undead mob in the Graveyard section (forgot his name) so we decided to kite him.

Halfway through our kite, a level 60 troll rogue (he had an epic mount [req.level 60]) stops by and 2 shots the mob for us. At first, we were like "cool! he killed it for us" but rather quickly we decided that wasn't cool - we had it, and we were doing good, and it was fun. So instead, we decided we should try to kill the rogue. We both start shooting him and kiting him with Aspect of the Cheetah on, and the epic chase begins.

When ever he used sprint, we would chain our freezing traps and conc. shots to slow him down, while keeping Hunter's Mark on him (vanish didn't remove it back then) and also keeping Viper Sting on him. When he would try to shoot us with his bow, we would quickly switch to aspect of the hawk to avoid the daze effect.

Turns out, after a 15 minute kite, we succeeded in killing him :) Was one of the best feeling ever, to be level 21 (maybe 22?) and kill a 60 was unheard of. After that...we both leveled up some more, and they are sitting on Gurubashi at level 28 - rotting D:
... he had to have been a fairly good 60 if he had a mount in prebc.. those used to be super long ago was this?

My favorite was I was leveling my second mage to 70 (I left my first at 60) and I was teaching this female mage to duel.. anyway right after we finished dueling this 70 belf mage drops down and ice lances and kills her. I was lvl 67 ish at the time and I was at around 80% health and 65% mana. Anyway he got me to around.. 10% but I eventually killed him. I was super proud of myself and I remember spamming general chat and getting a bunch of "so whats?" to it.. but I was happy. The 70 mage kept trying to kill me and by this time the other mage was back.. so we kept demolishing him..
Evocate said:
... he had to have been a fairly good 60 if he had a mount in prebc.. those used to be super long ago was this?

Yeah, it was a while ago...probably like 3-4 months before TBC? Maybe only 1 month before...They weren't "super rare" just expensive >< and no one had money back then, rofl.

Another epic story I have is during TBC - when 2 friends (one of the ones that made the huner with me) and another one of our good friends. They were both leveling paladins, one prot and the other ret, and I was leveling a shaman (enhancement at the time) the second paladin might not have been ret, he might have been holy..but it doesn't matter. While we were leveling (around 65) in Terrokar Forest, near Auchendoun - two level 70 pvp geared alliance attacked us, a warlock and a rogue. The fight between us was amazing, with both sides dying multiple times and running back from the graveyard, it ended up we won - and we camped them. The rogue got away (damn stealth) but we got the warlock another 3 or 4 times. It was amazing, I was timing shocks and grounding totem perfectly against the warlock while having tremor down, and the 2 pally's were healing and keeping DoT's off of us, while locking down the rogue as best as possible.

So many fond memories ^_^
Well i can usually get pretty "mad" if i get killed by alliance when i'm leveling. i were speed leveling my hunter and got killed by 43 pala or so, and i were 37 something. well he ganked and did /spit /rofl on me. well i took my pala main, and went down there t kick he's ass. well i ganked him for like 1hour. Without lying, i hunted the guys down who ganked my hunter, like 1-3hours if i were bored. i made lvl1 alliance char on alliance side on my bro's account and started to keep it on when he was not playing. i added my "enemies" on my "friendlist" and started to track them down with it.

Once, allaince rogue named Kebb killed my hunter, i startet to track him down from STV to IF and and all around wetlands etc etc. i hunted that guy for like 2 hours, and killed him.

I just can't stand that ppl gank me, and if they do, i gank them for couple of hours, and start to fucking with them with other account "like getting killed?" "i will always hunt you down" "ahhahahahahhaa :p" usually they get pisst off. but i have made 2-3 friend s with that style as well that i got on my MSN and we speak about high lvl pvp :p

So, no big heroic storys from me, just insane hunting and revenging.

(belive me it's worth of it)
^ I would never do that -.- It requires a hell of a lot of shit for me to actually camp someone, I will kill you once, twice perhaps - three if you are unlucky. But i cannot camp people...especially not people lower level than I am
Lónglife said:
Well i can usually get pretty "mad" if i get killed by alliance when i'm leveling. i were speed leveling my hunter and got killed by 43 pala or so, and i were 37 something. well he ganked and did /spit /rofl on me. well i took my pala main, and went down there t kick he's ass. well i ganked him for like 1hour. Without lying, i hunted the guys down who ganked my hunter, like 1-3hours if i were bored. i made lvl1 alliance char on alliance side on my bro's account and started to keep it on when he was not playing. i added my "enemies" on my "friendlist" and started to track them down with it.

Once, allaince rogue named Kebb killed my hunter, i startet to track him down from STV to IF and and all around wetlands etc etc. i hunted that guy for like 2 hours, and killed him.

I just can't stand that ppl gank me, and if they do, i gank them for couple of hours, and start to fucking with them with other account "like getting killed?" "i will always hunt you down" "ahhahahahahhaa :p" usually they get pisst off. but i have made 2-3 friend s with that style as well that i got on my MSN and we speak about high lvl pvp :p

So, no big heroic storys from me, just insane hunting and revenging.

(belive me it's worth of it)

LOL, ya, I've done that. Made a trial account to keep track of some turd. But, I think 6 kills was about my limit.
I was running through Feralas (I think... wherever you grind Timbermaw rep o_O) on my 60 priest that I am twinking, and there is a level 63 DK that saw me.

I usually dont attack people unless provoked, so I did the usual /wave sort of thing. He /waved back, then /spit, then death grip. It was a pretty easy fight really, ending with me at about 1/4 mana and full health (it is disc, so i dont go down easy =P) and I waited next to him, not to kill him, just to make sure he wouldnt do that again.

He resurrects, I do a quick /truce, he returns it. I start to ride away, with him still targeted, and he bandages to full health and starts attacking me AGAIN! Before I kill him the second time, I do a quick /sigh while he /spits on me. The third time, I offered another /truce, and he returns it.

By this time my mana was a bit low, so I think that he thought.. "Hey.. third time's the charm" and proceeded to be killed again. He resurrects, mounts up, does a /nod, and rides away.

I decided to make a trial account and talk to him, and it turns out that he's a pretty nice guy, and he knows not to underestimate priests now ^^
Hehe, didn't know about /truce, I like that. I usually wave or cheer at em. Today my warrior was questing in Borean when I saw an undead mage in trouble. She aggroed like 5 guys, I taunted one away and killed em for her. Then I saw her rogue partner, both were almost dead. So I started an escort quest right next to em and after they eat to full hp, they killed me. So I rezzed and bladestormed em both and they both died. Then I left em alone and they killed me twice again, so my 80 DK camped em for about 10 min. Goodtimes! When you kill somebody named Nachos, and soon after an 80 named Tacoknight nukes you, I think you know who he was lol. Most of my toons now are mexican food themed.
A 31 Hunter failed to gank my Rogue today in Hillsbrad...
Well at the moment, I have my level 1 twink parked in Northshire, and level 7s will gang up and try to kill me, it's pretty epic. Once upon a few hrs ago, a 12 paladin came, he had to bubble AND LoH and still failed. (I think he was 12, just a guess because he was ??).

Another time, when I was getting my AGMs on my warlock, a dk killed my warlock and try to camp. Luckily, I keep my level 65 dk mule in stv, so I ran him to the arena (the level 35 paladin was still there) and killed him multiple times till he took res sickness. I then proceded into the GY with minion on aggressive, and went afk, as he'd res over and over (res sickness spam) dying each time. Eventually a few 80s came, killed me, and I just logged out and play an alt. Wonder how long they stood there... xD.
Lónglife said:
Well i can usually get pretty "mad" if i get killed by alliance when i'm leveling. i were speed leveling my hunter and got killed by 43 pala or so, and i were 37 something. well he ganked and did /spit /rofl on me. well i took my pala main, and went down there t kick he's ass. well i ganked him for like 1hour. Without lying, i hunted the guys down who ganked my hunter, like 1-3hours if i were bored. i made lvl1 alliance char on alliance side on my bro's account and started to keep it on when he was not playing. i added my "enemies" on my "friendlist" and started to track them down with it.

Once, allaince rogue named Kebb killed my hunter, i startet to track him down from STV to IF and and all around wetlands etc etc. i hunted that guy for like 2 hours, and killed him.

I just can't stand that ppl gank me, and if they do, i gank them for couple of hours, and start to fucking with them with other account "like getting killed?" "i will always hunt you down" "ahhahahahahhaa :p" usually they get pisst off. but i have made 2-3 friend s with that style as well that i got on my MSN and we speak about high lvl pvp :p

So, no big heroic storys from me, just insane hunting and revenging.

(belive me it's worth of it)

Wow - don't piss off a school-aged kid during summer break. He'll sit in his basement for hours hunting you.
What IAT said about the hunter failing to gank him reminded me about a hunter that tried to do the same to me in 1k Needles. He was higher than me, not much, but higher. I was holy specced, and he was marksman, and I killed him 4 times in a row, because each time he would resurrect and immediately start attacking. It wasn't anything too epic, we were like level 30 something >_>

But still, it was funny =]
while waiting for a raid to start, i was grinding timbermaw rep for my diplomat title. some level 50-60s were there doing quests and stuff and they started reporting on /3 that a 62 DK was ganking them mercilessly.

I killed him, waited for him to rez and gave him a /go. he returned a /nod and mounted up and rode away.

I felt like superman saving all the kids in the flaming bus.

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