You play too much 19s if ...

Zimt the Diplomat

... you randhomly buildh "h"s into youhr wohrds

... you wear a lucky fishing hat on sunny days (or during your youtubeshow)

... you backstrafe in reallife

... your favourite drink is Rumsey Rum Blacklabel

... you check twinkinfo several times a day

... you go fishing with your buddys every sunday from 14:00 till 16:00

... your hobby is engeneering

... you think of WoW when you hear the word "twink"

... you name your goldfish Keefer's Anglefish

... you try to jump on giant stumps or jump up cliffs

... you think a bandage can heal everything

... you like green, orange, purple, yellow and white glowing weapons

additions? :)
Damn I got 5 of those, except engineering isn't my hobby its my profession... well I'm a student of it anyway.

You know you play too much 19's when you cry when someone says "You can only do that when you're older".
you know you've played too much 19 when you got bored shitless of the bracket 5 years ago and you still hate everything related to it
tweedledum said:
you know you've played too much 19 when you got bored shitless of the bracket 5 years ago and you still hate everything related to it

29... 2 more spells ehehehehee wway new gamepley
You spend a few months creating a nice place for level 19s only for the staff of this site to decide it is less worthy of appearing here than the multitude of threads whose sole purpose is to waste several GM's time so that they can eventually acquire a pretty item when they stumble across a GM dimwitted enough to actually permit such a thing, because that's the epitome of blizz-friendliness as there is an arbitrary divide between that and blizzard's wallet which is the main concern here as evidenced by the cringy mission involving the pathetically naive notion that by standing guard over blizzard's money for them they will return the favour by doing what they've already said they will do and balance low levels besides the fact that this is heavily misguided endeavour due to the reality that losses sustained by blizzard as a direct result of work such as my own is pretty much nil especially when compared to losses of subscriptions due to other MMOs (it's a given that people are more likely to pick between two things with a monthly subscription, there is no need to choose when one of the options is free) although other MMOs are fair game because I have no fucking idea

tweedledum said:
you know you've played too much 19 when you got bored shitless of the bracket 5 years ago and you still hate everything related to it


Hamcake said:
You spend a few months creating a nice place for level 19s only for the staff of this site to decide it is less worthy of appearing here than the multitude of threads whose sole purpose is to waste several GM's time so that they can eventually acquire a pretty item when they stumble across a GM dimwitted enough to actually permit such a thing, because that's the epitome of blizz-friendliness as there is an arbitrary divide between that and blizzard's wallet which is the main concern here as evidenced by the cringy mission involving the pathetically naive notion that by standing guard over blizzard's money for them they will return the favour by doing what they've already said they will do and balance low levels besides the fact that this is heavily misguided endeavour due to the reality that losses sustained by blizzard as a direct result of work such as my own is pretty much nil especially when compared to losses of subscriptions due to other MMOs (it's a given that people are more likely to pick between two things with a monthly subscription, there is no need to choose when one of the options is free) although other MMOs are fair game because I have no fucking idea


Hamcake said:
You spend a few months creating a nice place for level 19s only for the staff of this site to decide it is less worthy of appearing here than the multitude of threads whose sole purpose is to waste several GM's time so that they can eventually acquire a pretty item when they stumble across a GM dimwitted enough to actually permit such a thing, because that's the epitome of blizz-friendliness as there is an arbitrary divide between that and blizzard's wallet which is the main concern here as evidenced by the cringy mission involving the pathetically naive notion that by standing guard over blizzard's money for them they will return the favour by doing what they've already said they will do and balance low levels besides the fact that this is heavily misguided endeavour due to the reality that losses sustained by blizzard as a direct result of work such as my own is pretty much nil especially when compared to losses of subscriptions due to other MMOs (it's a given that people are more likely to pick between two things with a monthly subscription, there is no need to choose when one of the options is free) although other MMOs are fair game because I have no fucking idea


i cant fit this in my signature.

but best post worlde.
Hamcake said:
but it is a testament to the accomplishments of twinks everywhere

I thought the community of site was.. owait

I don't know who spearheads the bullshit 'term', but the one(s) responsible should drop dead
redpesto said:
29... 2 more spells ehehehehee wway new gamepley

u jelly cuz u dont have dispel xDD
Zimt the Diplomat said:
... you randhomly buildh "h"s into youhr wohrds

... you wear a lucky fishing hat on sunny days (or during your youtubeshow)

... you backstrafe in reallife

... your favourite drink is Rumsey Rum Blacklabel

... you check twinkinfo several times a day

... you go fishing with your buddys every sunday from 14:00 till 16:00

... your hobby is engeneering

... you think of WoW when you hear the word "twink"

... you name your goldfish Keefer's Anglefish

... you try to jump on giant stumps or jump up cliffs

... you think a bandage can heal everything

... you like green, orange, purple, yellow and white glowing weapons

additions? :)

My fav drink is runsey rum

I do check TI at least like 5 times a day if not more lol

I think of WoW when I hear the word "Twink" and I also think of Quinp

I like all of those color glowing weapons + pink, green, and brown weapons. And black. Yes... Black.... Pink... Yes...
You know you played too much 19s if you spent more than 20 mins leveling through this terrible bracket :)
Twinkzruz said:
Lipeckiz, you know that you can get the real quote from that post for your signature.

I know, but I don't friggin know how !!! :( SHOW ME!!! >':
Redner said:
You know you played too much 19s if you spent more than 20 mins leveling through this terrible bracket :)

this site needs a thumbs up button

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