You know you're playing too much when...

...when you cry because you see someone with 600hp in your battleground, and then another, in the same game, with xp off.

A tear was literally running down my cheek when I saw these guys. They made me cry.

tru fax
You know your a computer nerd when.....

You find a Fry magazine in your Box o' porn.
You know you've had too much when...

you forgot you faction changed and being freaking out that you logged into org >.<
When you spent the hour long journey home having a little breakdown cos your draenie warrior doesnt need as much hit as you thought and that you're wasting stats
Kore nametooshort said:
When you spent the hour long journey home having a little breakdown cos your draenie warrior doesnt need as much hit as you thought and that you're wasting stats

yea u do play too much if you did have a breakdown. especially b/c hit over the soft cap isnt necessarily wasted!! cheer up m8
its only 'wasted' if you're over the hard cap. until that hit is still a good stat since white damage = dps AND rage. but yes, you could just stay at the soft cap and get more ap/crit
That may be for pvp. But if you ever did pve the extra hit would be a help
Kore nametooshort said:
The hard cap for 19 draenie warriors is 13 rating.

gtfo. does hit really scale that much @ 19?!1! i mean the normal soft cap is 11, right? so 4 over that +1% from racial...thats the hard cap at 19? wow. oh well, lose the ring with 4hit or the cape with 4hit or something, im sure you'll work it out =]
Crilicilyn said:
You know you've had too much when...

you forgot you faction changed and being freaking out that you logged into org >.<

When I first faction changed I chased down the wrong FC a few times.

Drugs are bad kids.

But also good.
i didn't just chase my FC down, i freaking spent 10 foggy minutes trying to sap a priest in my own guild >.<

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