You dun goofed up- Cuz I backtraced It!



This is a remix of the video. You probably have seen all the videos of this girl, she blames it on some people who were rude to her but she doesn't understand if she didn't post pics and stuff of herself it would've never happened. The trolls didn't ruin your life girl, you did.


If you haven't seen this on Youtube go search for it.

Discuss about the matter or vids if you want.

Edit: Here's another one I like. [video=youtube;iUAn_dHMnbs][/video]
this is old stuff newfag, if you would of posted it about 6 days ago I would be laughing my ass off.
I'm sorry I just thought about it today to post it on here. ='(
Lol that was epic.
*This comment has been removed by the cyber police after being backtraced*
Twinkin said:
Lol that was epic.

The story behind this girl!

Just why is she so famous on youtube now? Well, about 6 days ago she made a youtube account... This 11 year old girl started her first video bloging section on her youtube account. Like all good things those, this came down crumbling fast... When posting a rant an rave telling virtually everyone on the internet that she is going to put a cap in their ass. She has received death threats, unwanted pizza deliveries. But thats not the best part, she posted child pr0n of herself on certain sites! Now this little girl is in witness protection and is going to try to live a normal as a life as this fucked up bitch can :D

In conclusion - Keep your damn kids off the internet until they are at least 16.
Can't her parents get arrested too? For her giving out underage pics?
Twinkin said:
Can't her parents get arrested too? For her giving out underage pics?

The police are more concerned with "the safety and the well being" of this child, in other words, they really don't care about it, or don't know about it.
CIHC said:
The police are more concerned with "the safety and the well being" of this child, in other words, they really don't care about it, or don't know about it.

I guess your right.
Personally, I think she made herself a new internet meme.

CIHC said:
this is old stuff newfag, if you would of posted it about 6 days ago I would be laughing my ass off.

Just stop using the internet.
chicago police? yay +rep

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