idk if u realise but its only the bad ppl of the bracket that hate me or dont like me and i have no problem with that
idk if u realise but its only the bad ppl of the bracket that hate me or dont like me and i have no problem with that
*Hint: #idontcareaboutsillystatistics like games won/deaths in a bg - now crawl back in dark hole you came, surface is not for ppl like you![]()
now crawl back in dark hole you came
Yeah, I tried that already. Received a PM though suggesting that binding every key to rake, shred and fero bite might work and then use mouse for movement. Nonetheless smashed my head down rapidly every time I see an enemy seems to be the most effective way so far, but thanksI think the best thing you can do for keybinds as a new feral druid is actually pick the keyboard up and duct tape it your face. It might obscure your vision of the screen, but that shouldn't really be an obstacle.
AND HIS NAME IS JOHN CENA!!! *dududududu*You are right that there can be only one village idiot.
if the retards from pve is a disease and all those stupid shits read this then could u stop queing 5 man fotm with felmouth,speedpots,gliders,drums,elixirs and what notmaybe we can have some more competetive games, oh wait you'd get destroyed if you had to play real games... my bad
if you are talking to me i do non of those, besides from gliders
Stop bashing the man that has the guts to play the one and only rogue skillproof spec at 100. Subtlety that is.
Much respect for that.
Pricks are clueless.
I blame Obamaok im fucking tired of this shit at this point, anyone who uses felmouth should go die or something i dont understand why retarded fucks with no brain or anything have to use every consumable in the game to win just fucking play the game without all of this shit and maybe we could have some sort of fun with this bracket or is your only wish to destroy this bracket?? you have fun farming f2ps while using drums and felmouth etc etc, group queing and using all of these consumables is just beyond disgusting i really hope you idiots doing this are up for premades maybe you can show just how good you are lol jk you're fucking trash without your consumables you fucking piece of shits go fking fk ur self
the fuck lol... the fact that you think you're a good rogue is just sad... if ur such a good rogue then prove it instead of just having a big mouth
Where did I say I'm good? I dont even give a fuck of anyone who judges me. I got nothing to lost, I play this game to fool dumbs like you, nothing else.
Hopefully you're better irl than my rogue...but I highly doubt that!
By the way u got real life? Or virtual real life only?
Would love to see your answer, but pls do it normally with no rage, aight?![]()
if u play wow to troll people then ur life is sad af. virtual real life??? omg omg
No one, really no one wanted u to join this thread. You're the last guy I want to hear something off and you're the one that will be revealed first. I promise that!