Well, they were a mix, to be honest.
There are some very serious hunters on the Horde side who wouldn't give me such an easy time (Magaki, Golrath, Socksol, Woko, to name a few).
What this probably means is that there are many people rerolling hunters and are trying to get marks/hks.
Hopefully, the presence of serious twinks like myself and others (modesty apart) will make them have second thoughts.
"Ouch! Hell, weren't hunters supposed to be op at this level ? How do you deal with that warrior monster?"
I don't have anything against the hunter class, I really don't.
I think it's an important class that has its place in the BG, like any other.
They are there precisely to stop heavy melee fighters who otherwise would hack everyone to pieces.
In the fight in the picture those hunters were real noobs. That's the only word for it.
They let me get close, in short.
Well, maybe they learned a valuable lesson: it's not only "roll the class", it's also "learn to play the class".
And even more importantly: "learn to fight other classes".