Myrm communication since taking over has been poor, to put it kindly. Just view the last page of
this thread. Numerous pings and PMs go unanswered. Picking up the site with noble intentions, but without a gameplan, was foolhardy. That Myrm "purchased" the site from Shane without securing the license to run the forum is mind-boggling.
And now we are being asked to donate funds to move forward in securing a Xenforo license? There must be accountability for expenditure, e.g. exact cost breakdowns. Going forward TI should be a member-owned co-op overseen by a board with fiduciary accountability. Surely we have some professionals with a modicum of business experience who can lend their spare time.
Since this business venture with Blizzard isn't panning out, perhaps it's time to revisit the private server and account/item sales discussion. I use another forum built on Xenforo. Members who support the site are granted access to create their own private subforum. Unless invited, not even admins have access to the private subforum. Users are encouraged to network, and once trusted, an invite will come naturally.
Fundraising wise, different pools of money should be developed for different causes. If the private server/account sales private subforum option is taken well, challenge people in that camp: If you can raise $500 to that goal, private subforum creation privileges will be granted to those who donate ~$1/month, of course don't ask, don't tell what people are doing behind closed doors. Challenge the US/EU supporters: The first group to raise $250 will forever be given precedence on the new site e.g. if there US or EU will always come first in a thread topic, first on a thread/subforum list, etc. (Open to suggestions).