WWmonk v hunter help

I dont have any troubles whatsoever with a WW monk, but that's just me.

So i assume its not just you, :)
1v1's are overrated bra but just get that hunter in a stun, he trinkets, roll around like a dummy til your stun is up again in the next 25, kill in stun gg, free Dominos after the win to celebrate.
A wind walker monk with the spec 50% roll speed can be annoying to play against but in the end the hunter should win overall. if you run that and have the skill lvl you should be able to challenge some hunters, Shinobi is very annoying when hes on me.
Momentum is a must, and try to serpent flying drop kick that hunter in the FACE.... Snaring is the main focus. if you meet a competent kiter he will take you for a ride so just stay in his red zone, try and get in a position where he will walk into your fists of fury :)
so in 2 days you will do a thread why you cant beat rogues 1v1? and after that holypally? its 1v1 and can't be balanced.

Jeez, what happened to the days when a guy could ask an honest question around here?
so in 2 days you will do a thread why you cant beat rogues 1v1? and after that holypally? its 1v1 and can't be balanced.

no sir, i was asking to see if there was a legitimate reason as to why i constantly lose to hunter 1v1. i simply thought i was doing everything i thought i could to drop a hunter. maybe if they had something other then the web i might be able too but i mostly made this thread bc i know there may be some others out there that could help. contribute to the thread or dont post. continue on flamer.

i know that i will rarely beat healers as dps. i know i can and have but its few and far between. as for rogues, i seem to have a bit of trouble bc of the dodge and me not using foremans.

even if i have momentum, their conc shot makes it mostly useless but i can try it out seeing as i normally run tigers lust. ty all for the suggestions ill try to leave the hunters to when i can LoS them.
Any good hunter should be able to beat a WW monk. Just kite him through the rolls with Concussive Shot and if he lands a serpent kick snare, disengage out of it (and trinket if necessary) immediately. If you have Tiger's Lust, things may be a little different but in the end the hunter should always win in an open area.

WW monks should be able to beat hunters in enclosed areas with LoS, though.

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