Wuv does Level 5! (New Video :)

Hi guys,

Well it is finally done, it took a long time and I had both some fun times and some disapointments with this one. I tried several times to get the fishing hat at level 5 to no avail, but was suprised I did some other things that were fun.

I hope you all like it, if you missed the first one, you can check that out on my youtube page as wll :)


Well I will level to 10 tonight and transfer to start a big project, more on that in Wuv does Level 10.

Thanks for watching guys.
Looking forward to playing with ya. Been nice watching the character progress..

Just got my Footpads too :D
That was... no offense... 4 minutes of my life I will never get back. Honestly, if your going to do this, atleast twink your character and nuke shit higher than you.
What's with the random exploration? I love exploration as much as the next guy, but it was unneeded.

Also, the music (if I can call it that) was horrible.

He's been looking for quirky music and sounds to use in his videos. Don't think that's actually what he listens to for his own enjoyment :p
Yes the exploration was all to get to Shadowspear Village, I mixed it in.

The opponents were a level 9 Druid, then level 14 Rogue and 2 skulls, world pvp on a low pop server is just whaterver you can get.

Music is hard to pick, I am taking suggestions for Wuv does Level 10.

I am having fun regardless :)
Eh. Get the fishing hat and film more interesting fights (levels 30+).
He's trying to get this thing into 19s though and doesn't want to be sitting at level 5 for weeks on end waiting for the thing to drop.
Wuv123 said:
...I was level 5 lol.

So? Don't limit yourself to a level range. My level 1 hit the record with a level 31 pally kill. And my level 1's regular kills were in the low 20's.
The idea is nice, but indeed - get some real gear mate.

Also, why druid?

And I think the point of making a level 5 instead of a 1 is to get that fishing hat.
My level 1 warlock can take anyone from level 7 - 14 easy unless its a rogue with kick >_<. Shes not even finished lol :3

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