WTT/WTS Precisely Calibrated Boomstick / No Lvl Requirement Staff of Jordan / Other Gfed Items


Selling a number of rare and unobtainable (Gfed) items on multiple realms, feel free to offer.

Looking for:
Fiery Blaze Enchantment

Lvl 18 Skullflame Shield
Blade of Wizardry for lvl 20

For Sale:
LVL 20 Items:
Aszune Alliance: 1x Precisely Calibrated Boomstick (lvl 19 Version).
Alliance: 4x Freezing Band, 3x Bloodrazor, 1x Wall of the dead
The Sha’tar Alliance: 4x Freezing Band

No Lvl requirement:
Sylvanas Alliance: 2x Staff of Jordan, 1x Icemail Jerkin, 28x Redbeard Crest
Horde: 1x Staff of Jordan
Aszune Alliance: 7x Icemail Jerkin, 13x Redbeard Crest
Horde: 1x Staff of Jordan, 1x Icemail Jerkin

Random Unobtainables / rares (Some may now be obtainable again as its an old list but still have items):

Alliance: Sunblaze coif, Mark of kern(Gfed), 2x Keen machete(Gfed),

Horde: Metalworking gloves (Gfed), 2x Staff of Conjuring (Gfed), 9x lvl 23 Skullflame Shield.

Sylvanas Alliance:Nobles robe(Gfed), Staff of nobles (Gfed), Ruthless Shiv(Gfed), Cobalt Crusher(Gfed), Freezing shard, Farmers broom(Gfed)x2, Deaths head vestment(Gfed), Talon of vultros lvl 3 x4, Corpseshroud(Gfed), Adventurers Pith helm, Mantle of thievesx3, Avengers Armour(Gfed), Beguiler Robes(Gfed),Mechbuilders overalls x2,

Horde: Goblin Screwdriver (Gfed), The pacifier, Wolfclaw Gloves, Vicar’s Robe(Gfed), Mechbuilders overalls, Pulsating Hydra Heart(Gfed), Monolithic Bow

Aszune Alliance: Necrology Robes, Sleek Feathered Tunic, Woodworking Gloves(Gfed), Blackened Defias Belt(Gfed),Staff of Horrors(Gfed), Pulsating Hydra Heart(Gfed), Spikelash Daggerx4(Gfed),
Horde: Squeelers belt(Gfed)

Kazzak Horde: Oggflint’s Inspirer(Gfed), Beacon of Hope, Pulsating Hydra Heart(Gfed), Watchman Pauldrons, Archon Chestpiece (Gfed), Mindthrust bracers

Stormscale Horde: Corpseshroud(Gfed), Ribsplitter, Freezing shard.

The Sha’tar Alliance: Ghoulfang(Gfed), Winter’s Bite, Beacon of hope, Watchman pauldrons, Beaststalker’s bindings(Gfed),

Silvermoon Horde: Walking boots(Gfed)

Doomhammer: Alliance: Goblin Screwdriver(Gfed), Watchman pauldrons, Stonevault Bonebreaker, Icy Tomb Spaulders(Gfed), Ring of precision, Tunnel Pick(Gfed), Swampchill Fetish(Gfed), Wirts third leg x2, Excavator’s brand, Scarlet chestpiece(Gfed), Beacon of hope, Ribsplitter,Lvl 30 Tankard O’ terror x2, Gauntlets of valor(Gfed), Belt of valor(Gfed),
Horde: Wolfclaw gloves, Steelclaw reaver(Gfed), Archon Chestpiece(Gfed), Resplendant Guardian.

Krasus Alliance: Blackened Defias Boots (Gfed)
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I’ve got a skullflame shield for sale.
[doublepost=1657623477,1657623426][/doublepost]Send me your btag or discord please.
I’ve got a skullflame shield for sale.
[doublepost=1657623477,1657623426][/doublepost]Send me your btag or discord please.

This would all be a lot easier if you had screenshots of each items btw

That would take years, only one really worth screenshotting would be the gun anyone after the 20 items most likely know the stats. The rest of the unobtainables/items are mainly for gold value to trade or xmog.
My brain is telling that @Schmoo (at least used to) have that fiery blaze enchant you're looking for, might be worth hitting him up assuming you're the same region
Unfortunately, no I sold them both. One was years upon years ago, and one was about a year or so ago. :( I don't believe I have any old characters on my old vanilla account that might have them.

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