WTT TCG Mount for 100 Darkmoon Card Decks (EU)


Trying my luck here too aswell as my realm forum.

Anyways, I'm doing the 'Insane in the membrane' FoS on my main, and the rep I'm missing is Darkmoon Faire. I need 100 Darkmoon Card Decks (lvl 60, 70, 80, 85, doesnt matter which ones) to get exalted. I'm willing to either buy the decks for 120k gold (I move to you), or trade for a TCG mount. Currently I have a Mottled Drake and a Amani Dragonhawk for trade. Might get a hold on something else too.

This is on EU servers, and my home server is Ragnaros (Alliance).

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not a bad trade, you will prolly have ppl willing to do this GL
would also take 5000x Ink of the Sky (not sea!!) as a trade if someone got that many. (250stacks)
So even 100 Rogue Decks...? or Epic ones (ie: lv60)
They have to be the epic decks to give the full big rep boost, the blue and green decks give a lot less rep. Any epic deck gives the same rep tho so any 60/70/80/85 lvl deck
Epic ones. If you want to trade me rogue ones I would need 1400 of them, and that would be difficult to move back :/
Quick question:

Why pay so much and bother with DMF rep now when it will be so easy to get in 4.3.?

Are you just so much in a rush you cannot wait a few more weeks, or am I missing something obvious?
Quick question:

Why pay so much and bother with DMF rep now when it will so easy to get in 4.3.?

Are you just so much in a rush you cannot wait a few more weeks, or am I missing something obvious?

I've read that it may be another kind of DMF reputation gained from the island. Since blizz have stated that they don't want to make the FoS any easier then it allready have.
I've read that it may be another kind of DMF reputation gained from the island. Since blizz have stated that they don't want to make the FoS any easier then they allready have.

Fair enough but are you 100% sure on this? Maybe get someone on the PTR to check the Darkmoon Faire rep and how it is obtained (i.e. dailies/quests/drops etc..).

This a question I would not mind having answered myself!
Trying my luck here too aswell as my realm forum.

Anyways, I'm doing the 'Insane in the membrane' FoS on my main, and the rep I'm missing is Darkmoon Faire. I need 100 Darkmoon Card Decks (lvl 60, 70, 80, 85, doesnt matter which ones) to get exalted. I'm willing to either buy the decks for 120k gold (I move to you), or trade for a TCG mount. Currently I have a Mottled Drake and a Amani Dragonhawk for trade. Might get a hold on something else too.

This is on EU servers, and my home server is Ragnaros (Alliance).

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i can supply u with the decks needed. Pm me if still interested ! /kám

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