WTT shadowfang for computer<-DELETED!?!?

Superhp said:
-I've taken breaks from WoW, but I don't think I can quit.. the game is too addicting. Plus when your has good as me theres emotional attachment issues involved?..? what am I saying..

-The kid is like 19, lives on a farm and he works on that farm with his family.. In his spair time he plays WoW, his computer is insane! The one hes trading me is his old one that is really insane for WoW aswell.. He just got a new and better one a month ago, and thats why hes doing the trade. He doesn't like buying gold so he sees no reason to do so for a shadowfang or what ever......................................................................

I wouldn't mind a pipe bomb, aslong as I live through the explosion and I keep all my senses, and limbs. That way I can sue UPS because a pipe bomb got past them through the mail and shit..

In order:

-Epeen issue.


Superhp said:
I finally found someone thats gonna trade me a computer for the shadowfang I have, but why was my thread deleted? It is like a $2000 gaming desktop, and obviously I'm super happy about this..

He's paying for the shipping, I just have to pay for the transfer to his server with the weapon. I'm not transfering until I see a picture of the mailing receipt, and until I can track the package online so don't worry guys I won't get f***ed over.

Sorry to anyone that wanted my shadowfang YOU WERE TOO LATE!!!!!!


And we care why? Gonna laugh when the computer is key logged [=
On August 12th my WoW account ran out of time, and I had no interest in getting another game card because work started for me. Two days before that my friend Schweine in Vindication told me he took it, but was gonna hold onto it for me until I got my account back up. His main reason for this was incase I really didn't come back, atleast he / we / anyone wouldn't have to activate my account for it..

(Around this time my computer completely broke and is no longer with me....)

I thought that was cool and all but last week I tried to log on to my WoW account at worldofwarcraft.com and my password was changed as well as my email. I assumed it was my friend who changed it, this didn't really bother me because he said he didn't change the password or anything.. and I'm not one to distrust someone if they said they didn't IDFK....

Turns out because my account is connected to battle.net or what ever my email was changed to the one I used to make that account.. I dont know how my password was changed though. Thats all fixed and I have my account back..

Now I'm just waiting on my friend to come in vent so I can tell him to give that weapon to my other friend. That way I can activate my account, get it moved on there and xfer a toon to this dudes server. Once I show him I have it, and its there hes gonna send the computer...

So if you see my "friend" tell him I gotta talk to him.

Superhp said:
On August 12th my WoW account ran out of time, and I had no interest in getting another game card because work started for me. Two days before that my friend Schweine in Vindication told me he took it, but was gonna hold onto it for me until I got my account back up. His main reason for this was incase I really didn't come back, atleast he / we / anyone wouldn't have to activate my account for it..

(Around this time my computer completely broke and is no longer with me....)

I thought that was cool and all but last week I tried to log on to my WoW account at worldofwarcraft.com and my password was changed as well as my email. I assumed it was my friend who changed it, this didn't really bother me because he said he didn't change the password or anything.. and I'm not one to distrust someone if they said they didn't IDFK....

Turns out because my account is connected to battle.net or what ever my email was changed to the one I used to make that account.. I dont know how my password was changed though. Thats all fixed and I have my account back..

Now I'm just waiting on my friend to come in vent so I can tell him to give that weapon to my other friend. That way I can activate my account, get it moved on there and xfer a toon to this dudes server. Once I show him I have it, and its there hes gonna send the computer...

So if you see my "friend" tell him I gotta talk to him.


This whole deal is fucked up. Seriously man, quit before you get involved in some farmer porn/drug shit.
Finally got a hold of my friend yesterday, I'm waiting in vent for in to come in so I can get his acc info which doesn't have time on it. That way I can go to my cousin's and use her credit card to activate that account and xfer the shadowfang..

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