WTT account for PoD

WTT level 80 rogue full s6 pvp gear with allot of bis ulduar crap t2 weapons fglad tabard RARE VANQUISHER TITTLE(getting gladiator on Tournament realm) many mounts vanity stuff WARGLAIVES please pm

Must have a PoD and xfer to my server thanks
All that means is that you have the information also, and that it can be easily recovered.

I spent the last couple of years buying/trading/selling accounts, so I know how it works; there's only a few things you can do to ensure that an account can not be recalled, so someone that doesn't have that knowledge is at a very high risk of being ripped off.

Being that you have no post count (other than what's in this thread), it's going to be hard to get people to trust you with this offer, especially considering the rarity of the item you're asking for. Kind of like "You don't have bad credit right now, you just have no credit." Although, calling someone dumb in your thread probably didn't help the situation.

You also didn't include an Armory (or fake armory) of this 'Legendary' toon or offer to meet anyone in game, and gave, in general, very little detail about the whole thing.

Before you come to this site and make an offer like this, you'd do better to have someone important or very well known vouching for you/backing you up, or gain some rep first as a solid, trustworthy person.

Or at least come and post a thread that doesn't make you look fucking retarded; too late for that part though :)

Twerk said:
All that means is that you have the information also, and that it can be easily recovered.

I spent the last couple of years buying/trading/selling accounts, so I know how it works; there's only a few things you can do to ensure that an account can not be recalled, so someone that doesn't have that knowledge is at a very high risk of being ripped off.

Being that you have no post count (other than what's in this thread), it's going to be hard to get people to trust you with this offer, especially considering the rarity of the item you're asking for. Kind of like "You don't have bad credit right now, you just have no credit." Although, calling someone dumb in your thread probably didn't help the situation.

You also didn't include an Armory (or fake armory) of this 'Legendary' toon or offer to meet anyone in game, and gave, in general, very little detail about the whole thing.

Before you come to this site and make an offer like this, you'd do better to have someone important or very well known vouching for you/backing you up, or gain some rep first as a solid, trustworthy person.

Or at least come and post a thread that doesn't make you look fucking retarded; too late for that part though :)


Epic, just epic

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