WTT Account for a level 90 account on EU


20 Hunter @ KILROGG Level 20 Human Hunter
*Fully loomed ( except ring )
*2x AGM
*GF'd Tabard ( Scarlet Crusade )
*Burgy pirate hat
*Maxed out fishing

20 Shaman @ KILROGG Level 20 Draenei Shaman
*Fully loomed (except ring)
*LFH ( Lucky fishing hat )
*MM ( Magican's Mantle )
*1x AGM
*GF'd Wrist ( Crystalline cuffs )
*Burgy pirate hat
*ICC achieve's
*Skeletal club in bag.
*110 DMF tickets

20 Druid @ KILROGG
*Loom staff and chest , mace and offhand
*MM ( Magican's Mantle )
*LFH ( Lucky fishing hat )
*MTB ( Mindthrust Bracers )
* BoE's like Feet of the lynx , Keller's Girdle etcetc.

20 Paladin @ KILROGG Level 20 Dwarf Paladin
*Night reaver axe ( super rare )
*Face smasher 1h mace ( rare )
* Loom shoulders ( holy )
* Working on 2x Stendel's Wedding Band

20 Shaman @ Twisting nether Level 20 Dwarf Shaman
* 1k honor
* LFH ( Lucky fishing hat )
* New dinged.
*Heirloom mace

20 Paladin @ Grim Batol Level 20 Human Paladin
* 2x MM ( Magicans mantle )
* Other BoE's like Redbeard's Crest , Silver-Linked Footguards , Diamond Hammer etc.

20 Warrior @ Agrammar
20 Shaman @ Aggramar ( with MTB )
20 Hunter @ Aggramar Level 20 Undead Hunter
20 Hunter @ Twisting nether
20 Rogue @ Kilrogg with 1 loom Level 20 Night Elf Rogue

* 1,2 k achieve points.
* The noble title
* Darkmoon faire bear mount
* Swift Springstrider mount
4/5 Exalted reps on hunter ( Ambassador Title )

Personal message to you :
Hey there.. I have been using this account now for the past 2 and a half years.. This is a very nice account that i dedicated many hours on.. Now i wanna sell this account to someone that will take good care of it

SKYPE ! : illeee96
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