As the title says, I have a Ginn'su on Alliance side Kilrogg US. I will not be transferring. I also have assorted 29/39 maxxed green items that will be available to buy with it. Alliance to Horde transactions are possible through the neutral AH. Please post offers here or message me in game on one of my twinks. Vigilante or Chloroform. Also willing to trade it for one of these items:
-Petrolspill Leggings
Thanks =)
EDIT: Message me in game for a list of the greens.
They include:
-Sacrificial Kriss of Shadow Wrath (+11 Shadow Damage)
-Pathfinders Hat of the Monkey 9/9
-Nocturnal Cap of the Monkey 12/12
and more
-Petrolspill Leggings
Thanks =)
EDIT: Message me in game for a list of the greens.
They include:
-Sacrificial Kriss of Shadow Wrath (+11 Shadow Damage)
-Pathfinders Hat of the Monkey 9/9
-Nocturnal Cap of the Monkey 12/12
and more