US WTS/WTB Various BIS Items


Have the following items available for sale or trade on various servers:
- 890 Plate Hands
- 890 Queen Neck
- 885 Cloth Waist
- 880 Cloth Hands
- 875 Athrog Dethhamma
- 875 Mastery Ring
- 870 Haste Ring
- 870 Crit Ring
- 870 Mail Head w/ Socket & Leech
- 865 Mastery Ring
- 850 Crit Ring w/ Socket & Leech

Looking to acquire the following:
- 890 Plate Feet
- 880+ Leather Wrists W/ Socket & Leech
- 885+ Crit or Mastery Rings

I will come to your server if you have any of the above available for trade. Add me: Smash#11928
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Which server you got that 890 hands and socket crit leech ring on smash ? Just psych me in game when we are both of if you still have em

The 890 plate hands are currently on Azralon-US, and I have two copies of the crit ring, one on Azralon-US as well and another on Magtheridon-US. Ultimately all of these items will be moving back to Burning-Blade-US once my realm surfing is complete.
Should probably edit the Title, not a single one of those pieces are "BiS". You've got some nice stuff though.

I've been closely watching the market for over two months now and I've yet to see plate hands over ilvl 890, any neck over ilvl 890, any cloth waist over ilvl 885 and any athrog dethhamma over ilvl 875, so for all intents and purposes I would refer to those pieces as BiS :p

In theory they could proc up to 895 or maybe more, who knows, but so far it seems like Blizzard's RNG system is bugged and only certain items are able to proc higher than ilvl 885.
I've been closely watching the market for over two months now and I've yet to see plate hands over ilvl 890, any neck over ilvl 890, any cloth waist over ilvl 885 and any athrog dethhamma over ilvl 875, so for all intents and purposes I would refer to those pieces as BiS :p

In theory they could proc up to 895 or maybe more, who knows, but so far it seems like Blizzard's RNG system is bugged and only certain items are able to proc higher than ilvl 885.
Indeed RNG sucks balls in WoW, but more to point I meant that without Socket AND Tertiary (for semantics sake) even at max iLvL an item isn't BiS.

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