WTS Teebu's, Big Battle Bear and others [US]

These items are all on Dragonmaw US, Horde side. I will not transfer anywhere. I am interested in some TCG item trades, and can add in gold/hogs/Vials to make up the difference if necessary.

Big Battle Bear

Black Malice

Blackened Defias Belt x2

Blackened Defias Gloves

Emblazoned Hat x2

Evocator's Blade

Feet of the Lynx

Flurry Axe

Forest Leather Epaulets

Glowing Brightwood Staff x2

Oscillating Power Hammer

Pattern: Bracers of Havok

Pattern: Deviate Scale Belt

Raider's Gauntlets of the Eagle 3/3

Schematic: Arcane Bomb

Schematic: Primal-Attuned Goggles

Schematic: Purple Smoke Flare x2

Schematic: Wonderheal XT68 Shades

Speedsteel Rapier x3

Spellshock Leggings

Teebu's Blazing Longsword

Thorbia's Gauntlets x7

Underworld Band

I have another Schematic: Primal-Attuned Goggles on Zul'jin US Alliance.

Post, PM or drop an in-game mail to Valuables on Dragonmaw. Thanks!
How much for battlebear? I can buy the TCG code for 100Dollars.

just saying
Currently taking offers on everything


People tend to have wildly different ideas about the value of things when they have to transfer themselves, so I'm hesitant to set prices.
Teebus' gonna be worth alot with transmog I think. Since sword dual wielders can use that and spellfire sword or whatever its called from first boss slave pens.

looks siiick

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