WTS Pendulum of Doom - Yojamba/Alliance

It really doesn't matter what someone got an item for, I'd say being honest isn't a trait to be ashamed of. PoD is easily worth 1k+ rn and will only go up in price. Most I payed is 280g for one, should I be attacked if I tried to sell for 1.5k?

Im not attacking him and yea being honest is a very good trait all im saying is letting people know that isnt going to help him sell it. Personally if i got a pod for 7g id be more than happy to flick it for a couple of hundy if i knew it was going to a fellow twink but thats just me. I just my 2 for 500 and 400. i only just got them yesturday ive been waiting to find a good deal no way im paying 1k+

All the people that are looking for this item have already rolled there twinks and probably already have PoDs or are waiting to get one for less than 1k.

All im saying is if he really wants to get rid of the thing he needs to haggle abit and not expect 1k+ just because
Cheers, Outofspace.

Halfstep, you aren't wrong, ended up doing more harm than good I think..
Still wanting close to 4K for it?
Jokes aside I’ll give you 900g for it.


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its about this time i noticed this POD seller was about 8 stories tall and was a crustacaen from the protozoic era! i said god damn monster i aiint gunna giv you no tree fiddeh
Aw gee, don't ye have any tegrity? I'm just a guy tryn' to sell a Pendulum a doom for'a good price. Not askin for no coin pile up near the sky or anything like that, a very reasonable price. The kinda price that might make a poor noob squeemish but i'm goin for that man thats been farmin lashers n'such. Yuh heard?

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