WTS F2P Account - BiS priest with Magical Ogre Idle, Diplomat title, and more.


I'd like to get rid of my trial account, below are the links to the main characters.

-Priest with Magical Ogre Idol ($30 from eBay), AGM, Full boa, Lucky Fishing Hat, Sporeggar Tabard, Kurenai Tabard, Tabard of the Scarlet Crusade (Grandfathered), almost 2k jp

-Druid with Magicians Mantle, Mindthrust Bracers, boa chest, over 1k jp

-Rogue with AGM, boa shoulders, 2k jp for boa of choice, Silverwing Battle Tabard

-Paladin with boa holy mace, over 1k honor

-Greatest Achievements
The Diplomat
Coin Master
25000 honorable kills
Master of Warsong Gulch

The Diplomat

"If you have any questions, feel free to PM me."

"Price negotiable via either ingame or irl currency"

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It's also less safe for the buyer to buy an account that may or may not have been flagged for trying to be sold :)
So to be nice on your potential buyers, you really should remove it.
It's also less safe for the buyer to buy an account that may or may not have been flagged for trying to be sold :)
So to be nice on your potential buyers, you really should remove it.

Does it being a trial account really matter? I highly doubt they'd go to the trouble of flagging, let alone banning a non-subscribed account.
They don't have trouble banning a non-subscribeb account.
If anything they'd probably prefer banning a person that doesnt pay, to a person that does pay.

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