WTS Caverndeep Trudgers 20-29 Twink Item


Hey there, I mainly play wow as a goblin and I happen to came across a pair of Caverndeep Trudgers last night. While twinking has always looked fun, I rarely have time to play my characters at max level. Playing the AH is something to do while I study =) This looks like a great community, and I wish twinking was more active like it was back in the day! Twinkers can be so dedicated lol

Either way, I'm looking to be able to post a WTS in the AH forum (need 10 posts?), but I would like to advertise that I am selling these on US-Bonechewer X-realm group. I might be willing to accept gold on a different server (thrall would be dope), but we would have to work something out. Either way, only one other pair available US on the AH atm! hit me up!

Coo Coo


P.S. WoWhead link to item
Caverndeep Trudgers - Item - World of Warcraft

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