wtff whos even gunna bother wearin resil now D:


so i take it from the picture resilience no longer gives crit reduction and damage reduction is getting reduced. along with crit damage being only thing reduced in the crit department

as for crits, many players have QQ'd on wow forums since BC release and effects of resilience in PVP on 3 years later guess blizz is doing something on it
Hmmm .... I really do not mind change at all, but this many changes made at once is beginning to piss me off now.

For Blizz's sake, I just hope they get the balance right before launch because I have zero intentions of spending my hard-earned $$$'s on multiple accounts just to have months of imbalance until Blizz sorts it out.
Quite sure ppl gonna be using pve gear at 70 since Brut gear lacks stats. (Haste)

Almost 10% haste gain in pve, 2% hit, 6% crit

only a 56 sd lost and some resil loss


Hmm so does any of you know if the resi 'cap' will still be there? If not I see some potential in stack ALOT of resi.

I made this char dev of a fury warr (fury warr because I know they can get lots of sockets) which has got 920 resillience. Now I know it won't be able to kill shit it's only for testing purposes that I made this chardev (character planner . max resillience @70 - I'm sure that there are other classes that is able to get more resillience but no matter, I think 920 is a good place to start from.

Has any of you thought of maybe stacking resillience seeing as it reduces all damage taken even if it means you gimp your dps / hps or other stats in general? If you by some weird absurb reason you could hit a 100% damage reduction would that make you unkillable?

And last, what happens if the unstopable thoridal shoots the immoveable glaives?
1. a lot is two words.

2. i doubt you could cap it now with this huge change to the damage it now reduces, plus all those sockets could be going to better use im sure

3. unstoppable thoridal or immovable glaives.

btw good riddance....resil was fookin stoopid. now it'll be more like pvp in vanilla. do you know how annoying it was to see a 20k star fire crit hit for less than half? horse dick, thats what.
Falkor said:
1. a lot is two words.

Thank's, I'll do much better in school now.

Falkor said:
2. i doubt you could cap it now with this huge change to the damage it now reduces, plus all those sockets could be going to better use im sure

Cuddle said:
Now I know it won't be able to kill shit it's only for testing purposes that I made this chardev.

Please don't be stupid.

Falkor said:
3. unstoppable thoridal or immovable glaives.

Obvious joke is obvious.

Falkor said:
btw good riddance....resil was fookin stoopid. now it'll be more like pvp in vanilla. do you know how annoying it was to see a 20k star fire crit hit for less than half? horse dick, thats what.

1. It's called 'fucking' & 'stupid'.

2. I think your epeen just hit the moon, grats!
Cuddle said:
Thank's, I'll do much better in school now.

i doubt it

Cuddle said:
Obvious joke is obvious.

gay joke is gay

Cuddle said:
1. It's called 'fucking' & 'stupid'.

2. I think your epeen just hit the moon, grats!

1. no

2. hopefully it will. resil was a stupid idea...vanilla pvp was the greatest
I welcome this change. Resilience in my opinion is what stopped a lot of the bored pve'ers from joining BGs.
Rubixx said:
Do you just sit on this site all day Falkor?

Or are you just a really enthusiastic poster.

i dont sit here all day, but it is one of the few sites i check anytime i open firefox, which leads to increased posting
i see wot ur trying to say but on ptr resil atm is shit and i doubt many would stack it. Also like someone said u'd need so much to reach any kind of resil cap. Furthermore stacking stam is probs better, as dmg is thru the roof right now (Ele sham with cds can global 16k hp pala).

I believe resil for BC was a better change then vanilla pvp. Since vanilla more on the lines of wotlk (s5 1st few weeks, quit wow for a while after that)? People could global peeps. Glasses Mages etc etc. I loved BC as games could last ages in arena.
Falkor said:
i know you didnt...

You really think you know everything huh?

I did play back in vanilla and not only that, I twinked back in vanilla @lv 19 as one of the first.

I know you won't believe me, I know you don't know shit about the first couple of level 19 twinks @vanilla & early BC.

But if you for some weird absurd reason would like to know my names it would be, healurself, sheepurself & sapurself.

All with BC shoulder, head and ring enchants aswell, I was rolling with Bishou if you know him which I really doubt...

(I bet you're gonna be like "lolol u kant hav shoul. head. ring enchentsm u is soo stuped...." regarding shoulder, head and ring enchants

Back on track; I think that it's gonna be possible to hit the resillience hardcap @70, maybe not now but in cata mostlikely.

And yes I've said it before and i'll say it again, you will probably be shit, and do no damage / healing whatsoever and the hardcap-resi-thingy is for testing purposes only!

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