Please describe a "random" to us all. For if these "randoms" get back to back games then will no longer then be "randoms" then now will they?
That is the problem with special snowflakes. Some of them need the herd to be small in order stand out. For if the herd was large they would not feel special. As the old adage goes. "Better a big fish in a little puddle than a little fish in a big puddle".
I feel some tw1nks strive to keep this puddle as small as possible for their own nefarious end. While others strive to continue it's growth for the betterment of the entire t w1nk community.
I would rather have shorter queue times and not see the few people that just happen to post here on XP off than long queue times and day out. If I wanted to do that I would wargame those people. That is why I solo queue. If I want to premade, I wargame.