Wtb premadez

You are jealous though.


You're a thirty-something years old high school graduate.


He is a soon to be college graduate in his early twenties.


You have a high opinion of your intellect and it bothers you that he is more successful than you.

Success is relative. To someone who doesn't have the slightest interest in college, measuring a person's success by whether or not they went to college, is a pointless exercise. I'm sure he'll graduate this winter, be told repeatedly by companies he's applied to that they filled the position with an entry level non college grad, and he'll be forced to take work at a McDonald's to start paying back those student loans. He'll then spend the next 10 years looking for work with waning enthusiasm, as each new company he sends his resume to, declines to hire him in favor of someone with half the qualifications, just to save a buck.

Meanwhile, other people such as myself, will be happy and well off without the massive debt associated with going to college, and are just as smart because we know how to learn without sitting in a classroom being told what to think. We'll be the ones getting those jobs he's simply too qualified for, and it will be due to the fact that we made different choices in life based on having an objective outlook rather than a capitalist one.

You have a need to incessantly post your opinions on every topic here because you don't have an outlet to express yourself intellectually IRL.

Not exactly. I am a gamer by hobby. I am interested in world of warcraft related discussion, so I frequent the wow forums and these ones. I take part in discussions that are about something I am interested in, and I work hard to keep everything I say objective to the discussion.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Many people, myself included, normally have sympathy towards people in your situation, but you're going above and beyond the average creepy vent lurker with your high volume of annoying and hostile posts.

Rofl, what? I'll tell you right now that if you bothered to have a personal conversation with me, you wouldn't be posting such bullshit on a public forum. You'll undoubtedly interject that you're too good for the likes of me though, so that would never happen.

Keep sitting there on your high horse, talking about something you don't even participate in, as if you're the go to guy for knowledge and expertise. It's funny, because other people have repeatedly asked you why you care, when you don't even play.

They've also pointed out that you were a non factor back when you did play, and you're certainly a non factor now.

you keep taking shots at another player's personal status.

Did it ever occur to you that I didn't take the first shot? Did it ever occur to you that said individual began with the insults and personal shots while I ignored it? Did it ever cross your mind that maybe I am a perfectly neutral guy who doesn't harbor any ill will towards anyone, and it takes an extremely negative person to even begin to get me to be 'hostile?'

I could honestly care less about what Dont does in his personal life. What he brings to the forums and in game is completely negative and utterly ridiculous, and for the most part, all I have ever commented on.

You can keep insisting that Dont is a great guy and you can keep pretending that you have an interest in this bracket, even though you don't play. I really don't care. I put Dont on ignore in game, muted him in vent. I have him on ignore on the wow forums, and on these forums.

I didn't do all that because he's some meanie head that doesn't like me. I did it because nothing he says is ever of value, much less in the right context, and it is a complete waste of time to even acknowledge it on any level. You're pretty much in the same position, except it's more fun to go back and forth with you as you grasp for anything and everything to try and troll with.

But thanks for the kind words, Mr Hands.
today i learned that making random conjectures about someone's real life will make them mad at you on the internet
Donteventrii said:
I said wtb premadez, and LF a Hunter/Priest. I gave no suggested timeframe. I did not ask anyone elses input. I attempted to inquire for a Priest/Hunter of premade quality. Once we have said positions filled, I would then consult other members I have planned. After their OK, Daydra would get in contact with CookedBread.

I need to make/gear a Paladin for Euphonix. Val needs to get to Dmaw. I need to get to Dmaw. And Theo needs to get to Dmaw (or at least get funds for it). We still need a Hunter. We still need to practice as a team. (That's why I said a month)

i have a hunter on dmaw :< not subbed atm
Mongro said:
He says defensively.

Didn't know bewilderment = defensive. But then again, you do tend to make things up as you go, including the definitions and proper usage of words.

I just have one question. If I am any of the things you said I was, then what does that make you? If you hadn't started in on me, the last 4 pages wouldn't even exist. All I did was answer two questions, and you jumped in with the BS.

Says a lot about your character.
Willyshatner said:
Didn't know bewilderment = defensive. But then again, you do tend to make things up as you go, including the definitions and proper usage of words.

I just have one question. If I am any of the things you said I was, then what does that make you? If you hadn't started in on me, the last 4 pages wouldn't even exist. All I did was answer two questions, and you jumped in with the BS.

Says a lot about your character.

"All I did was answer two questions and you attacked me." You're going to have to do better than that.

So now I'm a big meanie for pointing out that you are jealous of people who care about their future because you are unhappy about the fact that you're approaching middle age and you have the same education level as a Walmart greeter. You didn't go to school because you think it would do nothing besides put you in debt? How many people are there with four year degrees working at McDonalds because they can't get any other job? You are so full of shit, it's stunning. Do you just tell yourself things like that to feel better? Wow.

Don't act like you don't think an education is valuable. You posted a link of the high school you graduated from on the regular forums to demonstrate that you had obtained at least that level of education. You are proud of it and that's great. Other people went/are going further than you with their lives. Don't be a dick and act like their accomplishments are worthless just because you didn't make it. What if your kid decides to go to college? Would you tell him that he is wasting his time?
I'm not jealous or unhappy about anything. Also, what does me choosing not to go to college have to do with not caring about my future? As a matter of fact, what does any of the drivel you just posted have to do with anything? I certainly hope you don't buy any of it.

Let's get one thing straight here. I don't care what some random on the internet does in real life. I really don't. All I care about is the fact that I can't do anything in the game or on the forums without having to deal with his negative behavior and attitude. Which is why I ignored him. It didn't have anything to do with anything else.

Get over it?
Willyshatner said:
Also, what does me choosing not to go to college have to do with not caring about my future?

Lol do you really have to ask?

Let's get one thing straight here. I don't care what some random on the internet does in real life. I really don't.

You sure care enough to talk about what you perceive as the mental health of "some random". I remember seeing you taking shots at him saying he hasn't been queing because of school too.
Lol do you really have to ask?

You're right, the two have absolutely nothing to do with one another.

You sure care enough to talk about what you perceive as the mental health of "some random". I remember seeing you taking shots at him saying he hasn't been queing because of school too.

1. His mental health is of importance if it directly relates to the way he treats people publicly.

2. I never took shots at him because he was going to school. I took shots at him because he wasn't playing and yet he chose to involve himself in conversation about something he wasn't participating in. Something you've been doing for months now, which obviously suggests that you shouldn't be commenting on anything. Non participation = no valid opinion.

You wouldn't see an intelligent person talking about a sports game he never went to. Why you continue to comment on 29s, when you have zero frame of reference, is beyond me.
Lol do you really have to ask?

You know mongo, I come from a family that has had 3 generations of self made millionaires I am the first person in my family to have a college degree.
Mongro said:
"All I did was answer two questions and you attacked me." You're going to have to do better than that.

So now I'm a big meanie for pointing out that you are jealous of people who care about their future because you are unhappy about the fact that you're approaching middle age and you have the same education level as a Walmart greeter. You didn't go to school because you think it would do nothing besides put you in debt? How many people are there with four year degrees working at McDonalds because they can't get any other job? You are so full of shit, it's stunning. Do you just tell yourself things like that to feel better? Wow.

Don't act like you don't think an education is valuable. You posted a link of the high school you graduated from on the regular forums to demonstrate that you had obtained at least that level of education. You are proud of it and that's great. Other people went/are going further than you with their lives. Don't be a dick and act like their accomplishments are worthless just because you didn't make it. What if your kid decides to go to college? Would you tell him that he is wasting his time?

Actually college level graduates have never had higher unemployment rates than they do today. Past that there are a lot of people that get worthless as **** degrees like poli sci, english, history, theology, communications, business, etc. I guess what I'm saying is that you both have good points, and the only one I'm trying to make is that college isnt for everyone and it doesnt "work" for everyone.
I just read a blog that said there are a reported 17,000,000 people in the US who have college degrees, but have jobs doing something that requires a GED or equivalent.

That's a lot of damn people.
@college shit - I am working on my comp sci degree atm, and it is very obvious to me that what you learn in school counts for less than 1% of what you will use in the real world. Experience is gained through employment and personal time taken doing research/practice on your concentration. This applies to everything from engineering, sciences, and art. Having a degree means nothing if you don't know how to use it (how to be useful irl).

On topic - my 29 is nearly complete, are there going to be premades any time soon?

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