WTB lvl 17-19 Mail "of the Tiger" legs (5/5)

Finally upgrading to a Nethercleft kit on my 19 warrior (Wardek) and I was thinking about going with the traditional 5 strength / 5 Stam but I'm willing to sacrifice a little HP increase for some extra dps/crit.

I'm looking for a set of Outrunner's Legguards, Defender Leggings, or Grunt's Legguards (of the Tiger 5/5).

I've been farming both the Horde/Neutral auction houses and spamming trade for some time with no luck.

I'm on (US) Nazgrel | Horde

You can send a PM through the forums here or can PST Mjd, Mjdecker, or Wardek.

Thank you in advanced.
I'm 90% sure have a pair on Chromaggus Horde side. Grunt's 5/5 Tiger that is. I'll have to double check when I get off work. If you really really want them, they're free.. I'll never use them.
That was a fast response lol... yeah shoot me a PM in the forums when you wanna meet up (EST here) or whisper me if i'm any of the mentioned characters. Doesn't need to be free, I'm willing to spend some gold if you want.
@ Hero. His cleft is Attack Power and Crit Strike. Tiger would apply an additional 10 ap and w/e % 5 Agility would be for a 19 w/e warrior toward his critical bonus. Thus filling in that slot with the most armor (grunts) most AP combined with Crit. Most AP is BlahBlah of Strength (8)... which I have as well.

** missread first post please disregard my retardedness ** "Nethercleft" is what he is using.

@ MJDecker, Why not Cobra for Tigers?
@ Hero. They're not bad, but I feel I'm comfortable with where my HPs on my Warrior are at (just over 1900 unbuffed w/2H and still using Clefthide 30stam + 10 agil kit). So going with a 5/5 tiger legs I'll still gain 50 HPs with the Nethercleft while increasing my Crit Chance as I currently using a 5/5 Bear legs.

@ Sylvatic I'm not sure what you mean by 'Cobra'
I was thinking that but for a sec I thought he was referring to trading the tiger legs for something named cobra lol.

On that note... I was thinking about them.. maybe i'll get them later but I think I'm aiming for a decent balance of Stam while doing some dps for Defence and stam for FCing.

Hmm.. now you got me thinking of getting 5/5 Tiger + Nethercobra for a dps set and 5/5 Bears + nethercleft for FCing lol.
I agree.. bear with nethercleft and tiger with cobra is the way to go.. i use foremans only cause grunts are just too damn sexy for my undead guy.

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