Seen x2 Ferals with it and x3 rogues
Who are the rogues? I've seen 2 ferals with it and one rogue.
Seen x2 Ferals with it and x3 rogues
Who are the rogues? I've seen 2 ferals with it and one rogue.
I know feral Animal, feral somenameidontremember, Curley, now I know your monk has it, Medo (EU) and one more i dont remember name of
There's a guy on my server EU - Darksorrow who has one.. I didnt believe him so he showed me it...
Sadly he knows what it's worth :'( and frankly i dont have that cash...
Would have been nice to snag one for like 10k or something
(this is a freebumb since i'm such a nice guy)
tell him i got 200 euros for him if he want.
Do you think if spam trade chat on ur realm i will get it or theguys don't seems to be active or he don't the schedule table to play the week end cuz i'm really interested by this item for my monk.
Do you think if spam trade chat on ur realm i will get it or theguys don't seems to be active or he don't the schedule table to play the week end cuz i'm really interested by this item for my monk.
There's a guy on my server EU - Darksorrow who has one.. I didnt believe him so he showed me it...
Sadly he knows what it's worth :'( and frankly i dont have that cash...
Would have been nice to snag one for like 10k or something
(this is a freebumb since i'm such a nice guy)