WTB friends PST offer

Not really, But I was thinking of making a brand new twink on a brand new server, I'll be dedicated to him, and was hoping that I could find someone to twink with. So Yeah, I'm a fun guy but serious when I need to be, I have my own vent with 50 slots. I'm mature, 16 and play Power Lineman on the Cowboys(No not pro =o) I don't discriminate, Just gotta be nice and willing to help me out (I'll be making a fresh character on your server) Thanks guys, Faceröll<Savy>-Ruin

Edit: Yes, I just noticed I messed up on topic name, ignore the offer.
I would be glad to offer you a guild spot in <A Wild SNORLAX Appears> on Perenolde Cyclone. Were mostly an arena guild. If you are interested send me a PM.

P.S : We would be funding you.
Twinkytoes said:
I would be glad to offer you a guild spot in <A Wild SNORLAX Appears> on Perenolde Cyclone. Were mostly an arena guild. If you are interested send me a PM.

P.S : We would be funding you.

Horde, or alliance?
Faceroll said:
Horde, or alliance?

are you kidding? it's like in his signature :S

(pretty sure)

and twinky , sometime if you guys need anything different then a rogue, hunter, druid, or shammy i'd be glad to join you.
Alright, I made a mage called Rawrimalion, unless you prefer a specific class, just post it.;) I'm grounded til' monday so =/ Thanks again, will get to know you then
Cptheals said:
Never did manage to make a twink for you guys did I Twinkytoes? :D

Nope :'(

To Faceroll : Alright man, I saw you in the guild. I don't have my computer so dont sweat it. Once I do, you can start leveling him :]
Wait Faceroll, do you have a Tauren Warrior? I seem to remember getting a good laugh from a Warr with three different Size-Buffs that ran in and tanked a whole pug ally team as I healed. I chuckled irl

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