WSG Wall glitch


I see a lot of f2p players using the wall glitch spot at horde base in WSG to avoid losing, is this standard/accepted behavior?

Not having a go (although it is very frustrating/poor sporting), just wondering what the community stance on it is.
I usually sit there if I have to go afk for a sec and don't want to find myself dead coming back. If it is used as an fc, then i frown upon that.

but if you know the glitch yourself then it shouldn't be too hard to kill efc
I hate it, it makes the game dreadful imo...

A 24 Pally. You're one to talk. lol.

Not trying to encourage this or give people ideas, but I've actually been in a situation where a priest just Mind Controlled me and made me walk right through there and made me land in the pit which thus made me unable to do anything for the rest of the game. Abusive, eh?
I'm with klinda if you know the glitch its easy to kill efc. I'm all for terrain exploits and jumps to win game but not to prolong and waste people time.
i rather afk out and eat my 15mins debuff, than knowingly win a wsg with glitched FC
I don't know if your talking about this one or not but here's to all the ones that hate 24's :)

You realize in doing that, you've denied your team the right to either a quick loss and thus a quicker re-queue or a chance at a comeback? I hope you at least consulted them. It looks like sore losing from the horde side, I've had the same thing happen to me a few times.

Wastes a lot of time ya'know.
when an fc does that get your whole team to camp he's, he's team will love for it :p
Can't stand glitch exploiting. A momentary jump is one thing, running through walls and standing in places no one else can get to is just cheap. Games are unfair enough as it is, if you can't win without sitting in some ridiculous glitch spot just take the loss and move on.
Yeah, i think its cheap aswell. Sure, everyone can learn it, but its not intended from Blizz' side - so i dont think that people should exploit it.
alright heres my opinion.
as a player you can't use the argument of blizz "intending" something to be the way it is . Do you honestly thing that blizz said "we should totaly make this stump slope just enough so that ppl can get on it"
"hey guys lets put glitchy spots on the side of the hill near horde and aliance tunnel that allow ppl to jump up and skip ramp"
as silly as it sounds we simply don't know what blizz "intended"

ALL "jumps" and "spots" take advantage of the terrain in order to achieve an advantageous position. the only difference is the amount of knowledge required .

in conclusion i dont care if somebody uses a jump against my team when ever i play (horde or ally) it doesn't matter to me. I think "kudos to them they know some jumps"

imo all jumps are acceptable.

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